who's there? who's there? who is it? clarence! god, it's good to see you, boy! what's that on your chest? jesus, what happened to them? you in trouble, son? why'd you get yourself marked up? a tattoo! what in hell made you do a damn fool thing like that? mr. barrow's lookin' out for your interests, boy. ain't that somethin' for me? no, no, no. i don't want your money. i'm just pleased to have your company. any friend of my boy's. yeah. okay, clarence. you're welcome here, now you know that. you look like trash, boy, marked up like that. cheap trash. bonnie, what does she know. she's just cheap trash herself. look what they do to you, and you don't even get your name in the paper-- just pictures put on your skin, by "bonnie and clyde"-- --why they're a coupla kids. i'm just glad your ma ain't alive to see that thing. boy, they expect you to go downtown with 'em tomorrow? bonnie and clyde!. bonnie and clyde. better go then, you better go, better go. --but when they get back in the car to come on home, don't get in with them. you just listen to your pa fer once! cain't you do that? i'm yore daddy, i'm your kin, not clyde. no, you tell them nothin', hear? i made a deal and got you off with a coupla years! the law. just don't get back in that car. and whatever you do, don't let onto them, hear? what do you think, clarence? mebbe. just you be off'n the streets of that town when they go to get in their car.