you bad ass little spick. how are you, honey? -- i been on vacation. i promise. beautiful. yeah, yeah, yeah. thank you. seven-up, here -- hello, honey. hey, little bill. i wanna do it the day after absolutely. but i wanna keep it small. exactly. tomorrow. tomorrow is the day -- hey. how ya doin'? how old are you? no, no, no. not like that. maurice give you a job here? how much he pay you? he's a friend of mine -- you live around here, canoga - reseda? how do you get here? so what do you wanna do? you take the bus from torrance to work . . ok . . . . . what . . . ? guys come in, ask you to jack off have you done it tonight? and you can do it again? i'm jack. eddie adams from torrance. i'm jack i make adult films. erotic pictures. so you know me, you know i'm not full so why don't you come back you need money, you have to pay the rent -- tell me how old you are, eddie. you're a seventeen year old piece of gold. why don't you come back to my table, you're a good worker, yeah? -- doggy-doo-doo. it seems to me, beneath those jeans, you want somethin' to eat? goodnight, honey-tits. sleep beautiful. hey. eddie. yeah. you wanna ride? this thing here, i mean, you understand hell yes it's a lot of money, but lemme he'll see it. eddie: you got ten, fifteen people around i can go out -- tonight -- the reputation -- alright, yeah, i need the big dick, it's a dream to be able to find did you want a fresca, eddie? you're sure . . . ? check in the studio fridge . . . good night, honey. she's the best, eddie. a mother. so what do you think . . . i think what do you think of rollergirl? would you like to get it on with her? yeah. bet your ass she is -- i'll get you some more tomorrow. yes you are. don't come in her, eddie. i want you towards her tits, then. eddie adams from torrance! you made it, reed, honey, i want you to meet eddie, i want you to hang out for colonel, hello and welcome! hello, darling. well i'm sure we can find you some. we will, we will. thanks for coming by. the idea is this: amber is a director yes. so she calls up all the agencies there's a kid, a young man, i met him this would be his first. is she breathing? close call. eddie! eddie! come over here a minute. this young man is interested the colonel pays for all our films, eddie. thanks for coming, colonel. howdy-boys. good party? good. you had a good time then? what this place is for, right? ahhhh . . . this feels good. bubbles. yeah? i've got a few . . . but you tell me . . . tell me. heaven sent you here to this place, how close? okay, but not too long, kurt, right? yeah. let's . . . . the kid, eddie, from the club. i wanna change that -- that should be amber. becky, honey -- what're you doing? we're shooting now? fine, fine. alright everyone, let's go, let's go, ready, champ? so we know the scene, we know the thing. is that alright? amber? so we'll just go straight through. eddie, you want a rehearsal? great. yeah? yes. i'm sorry, yeah, yes. and . . . action, dirk. guys . . . hang in there, everything's cool, okay -- we're back, we're ready -- action -- cut! fuck! yes! yes! yes! that was great. it's not gonna match, we don't yes, dirk? what we can do is make it all one thing, right? jack horner has found something special . . when stripped to the bone, diggler's . . but it's diggler that remains the standout -- what else? tell me. i like that. i like this a lot. i know it. i know it. alright. when we get back. we'll set up -- if we don't put every element into this, now: what's this guy's name? . . those are great names. good, good, it's close. let's head trim this is the best work i've ever done. it feels good. this is the one they'll remember me by, baby. i know you're history, floyd. then why help it? i have a stable of actors and actresses. you come in here, at my party, tell me about we're repeating ourselves now, floyd. the future is as bright as we make it -- no . . . no. i'm crystal clear here. . . what . . . ? what are you saying? are you telling me that you're true film fans won't watch that shit. i haven't heard that. we've got ten minutes until the new we got two minutes, people! two minutes! i don't let you block your own sex scenes. how was it? hello? colonel? wait, wait, wait. i believe you. what? okay. it's gonna be okay. just relax. what do you mean? nothing? well . . . what . . . how? the films . . . or . . . i mean? alright, okay. don't worry. yes you are. right. you know; you've done nothing wrong. what? . . what are you saying? what did they find? jesus christ, colonel. . . i . . . i don't . . . ? -- it's okay, colonel. it's gonna be what? yes. well there we go. that's it. the future. it's not what we're used to. you can't beat the price. this is the future and we can't deny it's gonna make us rich. no. it's about jacking off now, kurt. . . and it's tough is what i'm saying. hey, dirk -- here you are. you havin' dirk, meet johnny doe . . . new kid on the he's pretty tired, johnny. he's also shy. we need twenty minutes. twenty minutes. yeah, well . . . no. get me. you wanna what? dirk, you need to settle down. well i'm not. -- get outta here. get off my set, get outta my house. leave. you don't want to do this -- jesus christ. you're high and you need to sleep it off. whatever. you're high and you need get the fuck outta here. yes i am. jesus christ. move. get out. go. reed -- take him home, reed. i don't need this. i don't want you here. you listen to me now, kid -- not anymore. your dick. i've seen you push thirteen inches, you'd be alright: you're fired. okay? just leave, dirk. leave right now. is that what you want? johnny: fuck her in the ass. alright, friends; let's get it over with. yeah, what is it? are you ready to do what we're gonna do? we are on the lookout. that's what what do you say? anything you wanna do -- you do it. you like what you see? then get in here and do what you want. you a student? oh, great. where do you go to school? no, no. anyway. how'd you like to go round alright . . . fantastic cool . . . alright, there, pal; make it look hey, hey, hey . . . take it slow and cut. stop. cut. i know . . . this isn't working out. yeah, that's all. sorry for the inconvenience. it's alright, boy. it's alright. maurice, honey, turn the fan on. it's stinkin' up the whole house. rollergirl, honey, please, i just had your skates on the wood floor, please. are you going deaf? turn the music down -- just do me a favor and make it work, buck. don't. don't do it, buck. i don't listen to it loud, alright? look at this, he's a swimmer! plenty of time. i'm looking at you, my darling. you're the foxiest bitch i've ever known.