. . jesus. please, okay? shave if you're if you wanna work in a nightclub you . . at a car wash . . . you work at a car wash, school never where were you? shut up. shut up. where were you? you see that little slut girl you see? does it make you feel like a stud to she's a little whore and a little i've heard things about her. that girl. why don't you go to your little whore, oh yeah? yeah, what are you gonna do? you can't do anything. you're a loser. go ahead. go ahead and fuck what do you think you're doing? -- you think that's your stuff? none of this stuff is yours. this: if you're gonna leave, you leave with what . . you pay for it . . . you owe me for all the yes you are. not by choice. you little fucker, i'm not being mean you can't do anything. you little fucker, i'm not being mean to you!