rockin' reed rothchild. yeah . . . yeah. this is an amazing party. i wouldn't mind havin' some of that sure. introduce her to my lap. i don't dance sunday nights. that car is jammin' -- nosed, racked, we finally meet. yeah, i got some moves. i'm back. this is a lot of damage. it could be like two. three thousand i dunno. got it. getting some shit . . . what? you said i could borrow them. i thought you did. sorry. alright. i think this could be the thing. this guy's name is rahad jackson. he used to come into party boys it's like this: i call him up, yeah. so we call him up, give him the price. half a key for like . . . five thousand bucks. that's right. so we set up the deal, fuckin', reed, yeah i have his address, c'mon. he won't. i know he won't. i'm positive. believe me. you guys ready for this? dirk? alright. it's a big gun. just in case, just in case. let's go. it'll be okay. not too quick -- that looks suspicious. that's me. we met before at the club -- these are my friends dirk and reed. here it is . . . half a key . . . it's really good, we were thinking five thousand. we're not leaving yet. we're here now and we want something else. in the master bedroom, under the bed, shut up, dirk. i told you i got a plan. no i'm not. i'm not kidding. we want shut the fuck up, dirk. don't reach for your gun. you've only got one bullet. he went in the bedroom. he's got cash and coke in the safe i'm goin' in that bedroom and get what's