dumb bitch. what did we tell you? what you got there in the pack? yeah, that's what they all say. how about you take it off real slow and tip it out so's we can take a look? shit, it ain't loaded. they never are. ain't that right, old man? want us to do it for you? we can get it off real easy after we've hacked your fucking arms off. what the hell are you, some kinda preacher? well i got news for you, preacher man. whatever kinda god you reckon yourself to be working for, he left these parts a long time ago. he ain't here to protect your ass. now take off the pack and set it on the ground. you fucking listening to me? all right, i had just about enough of this shit. what. you just. he just cut my fucking hand off! my fucking hand! what you standin' around for? kiss him! who are you?