solara. what a delightful name. is that by any chance shakespearean? wonderful. is it true what they tell me? you have a king james version? my goodness. i can't tell you how exciting this is. well, come, come! yes, we've been doing this for some time now. collected over thirty thousand volumes from generous donors all across the nation. we even have a printing press that we hope to have operational soon. well, not exactly. we're more like a storage facility. we're holding these books here in trust, if you like. when society gets back on its feet and no longer needs us to preserve these volumes, they'll be here waiting. is that right? well, it's good to know we're getting such high- profile referrals these days. may i ask what condition it's in? well, then. what say we take a look at it? of course. right this way. mmm? oh, yes of course! could you please bring us some writing paper? what exactly am i writing? you know, you don't have to leave. you're welcome to stay here with us. you'll be safe. where will you go?