i'm afraid we don't have any cake or biscuits for the tea. they ran out some time ago. please. how do you like it? for almost forty years now. this home is our pride and joy, isn't it, george? we refused to leave, even during the troubles. we said, didn't we george, we said if we're going to die anywhere, we're going to die right here, in our own home. well, george is something of a handyman, aren't you, dear? he did a lot of work on the place, making it safe. we may be old, but we're resilient. we've had more than a few who've tried to take this place from us. haven't we, george? of course. it would be uncivilized not to bury them. we're not barbarians. come on back inside. i think i might be able to rustle up some sandwiches. i found some meat for those sandwiches! are you hungry? are you sure you won't stay? george? what's wrong? oh no they don't. i finally got this house just the way i want it. i'm not going to let anybody tear it apart! come and get it, you god-damn sons of mother-fucking bitches!