survey team just finished up their inspection. it ain't good. pressure is down again, and going by the new rod they sank levels're lower than they've ever been. hard to say. six months, maybe. a little longer if we're careful. but we're already- we just halved `em last- you're going to have to say something. folks were none too happy last time. gonna be worse now, you can count on it. one of the road crews just rolled into town. not these guys. might help if they knew just what they were looking for. so how's about you just tell me? two years now you been sending these crews into the outland. burning up gas we can barely spare. for a goddamn book? what the hell kinda book can be worth all this? what about these? enjoy your stay. there'll be someone outside your room all night. if you need anything. something wrong, boss? that can't be. i had a man outside his room the whole time. boss, he could be anywhere. he. he killed four of my men and walked out of town without a scratch. they shot off a hundred rounds at him and he didn't get hit once. i never even heard of anything like that. he's not going to work for you. i think he's made that plain. if i'm gonna risk my ass hunting down this maniac in the outland, i need to know it's gonna be worth it. i need to know what's so special about this goddamn book. boss. we're running out of water and the people are running out of patience. you're trying to tell me that a book is going to keep them in line? and what if this book don't work? what if it don't say what you want it to say? he has half a day on us already. there ain't much gas in reserve. the book. i know. he's been here. the girl's with him. move out! i said move out! he's just a man. you put a bullet in him, he'll go down like any other. i don't want to hear no more of this superstitious horseshit! we know you're in there! come on out with your hands up and your weapons on the deck and nobody needs to get hurt. all right, look. i'm gonna make it easy on y'all. bring out the girl with the book. that's all we want. the girl and the book. the rest of you's can go your way. holy shi. get down! everybody get down! damn you, return fire! we got any more of those rpgs? screw this. get clear! go ahead and try it, holy man. you ain't that fast. where's the book? i ain't playing. check the pack. it's gotta be. hello, what have we here? fuck! get it off! get it off me! if you don't got the book, what fucking use are you? you did good, sweetheart. your daddy would be proud. he knew you'd come through for him. what? he's killed a dozen of my men. take your shit and get out of here. no weapons. stop, stop! shit. turn around! she's getting away! stupid little bitch. what? what is it? 42: open the fucking pack or die. i don't know you. water rations will be halved until further notice. may god go with you all. these guys say they got something. you know what i need right now? what? you see, i'm not exploiting these people - i'm saving them! any one of them is free to leave whenever they wish. but here they stay. and they thank me every single day for their salvation! or, you could come work for me. i'm sending solara. nobody tells me what i can and can't do in my own town. nobody. i built this world, and i am god here! so don't go thinking about screwing with my plans. you know how this works. solara goes against me, you get hurt. you go against me, she gets hurt. people lived longer back then. longer than me. some were more than a hundred years old. no. for a long while after it happened, i just wandered on the road like most everybody else. there were still a lot of people around back then, in the beginning. i didn't really know what i should do or where i was going. i was just moving from place to place, trying to stay alive. and then one day i heard this voice. i don't know how to explain it, it's like it was coming from inside me. but i could hear it, clear as day. clear as i can hear you talking to me now. that was twenty-five years ago. and i've been walking ever since. because a voice you heard in your head told you to. i should say so, yes. and we thank you for the gift of friendship in these hard times. you say that last part too. who put this food on the table? you did. who the hell is eli? a battery. didn't he say something about a battery? can i see it? fine. she worked two jobs and she sent every spare penny she had to that fucking guy on the tv. my old man, he'd read that book, then he'd get liquored up and kick my ass, tell me all about the power and the glory and how i was going to burn forever in hell for the sins i was born with. he made sure he beat it into me good. do you remember how i built this town? it wasn't done with force, and it wasn't done just with water. it was done with the power of words. i created this place out of nothing, because people believed in a promise that i sold to them. those guys on the tv, they were richer than you could ever dream, and it was all built the same way. with words. with promises. and with that book. that book is a weapon. aimed right at the hearts and minds of the weak and the desperate. just imagine what i could do with it. a new bible, for a new world. more for me. i'm martha and this is my husband george. would you care for some tea? they ate them. daddy's little girl. drive on. i must ask you, how did you hear about us? we've been doing everything we can to get the word out, but we always like to know where our benefactors come from. i must say, i am so excited that we finally have a king james. you know, we have a talmud here, we have two korans, we even have that scientology book. but never a christian bible, until now. i honestly believed it was the one book i'd never see again, after what happened.