stop! please don't. hi. can i come in? you sure about that? it's too bright in here. mind if i turn it down a little? that's better. i'm solara. you're walker, right? that short for something? elias? elijah. i never heard that one before. it's kinda cute. you sure about that? it gets mighty lonely out there on the road. if you're worried about money, this is all paid for. the whole night. they're all that kind of man. he moves her hand away. gently pushes her back a step. they told me you were crazy. maybe they were right. please don't make me leave. i have to stay the night. if i don't. he'll hurt my mom. no! please, don't! he's my dad. look, if you want to help me, just let me stay here tonight. we don't have to do anything. i'll sleep on the floor. tomorrow you can tell my dad that we had a good time. i'll be no trouble, i swear. i'm not afraid of you. i know you didn't start that trouble. when i first saw you, i knew you weren't the type to go looking for it. my mom says i'm a good judge of character. she says i can read people. that i know a good man when i see one. so. you're pretty old, right? i'm sorry. i just mean, i haven't seen too many people your age. how old are you exactly? but you're old enough. i mean, you remember what it was like? in the world before? what was it like? come on. so how come you have? wait. you can read? and you have a book? that's beautiful. did you write that? what book is it from? is it poetry? i never heard of it. what's it about? can i see? what? i'm not going to do anything. what's so special about that book? how can you know that? what did it say? but you knew because the voice told you? so who was it? the voice? more powerful than my dad? would you teach me to read? i never learned. no-one around here knows how. only my dad, and he won't teach me. i think he likes being the only one who can read. i think it makes him feel powerful. so would you teach me? i guess a little. it does? did you really mean that? that i'm your friend. amen. and now we eat? morning, dad. i did like you asked. isn't that what you really want to know? just come out and say it. no. we didn't talk much. i don't know. he said he had to go. that's all he said. that he was going to be leaving this morning. our father, thank you for this meal which you have been so gracious to place before us. thank you for my mother. please watch over her and keep her safe. thank you for all the- eli taught me. the walker. that's his name. he had them written down in a book. i don't remember! it was an old leather book. it had kind of a. thing on the front of it. that's what it was. a holy bible. daddy, what's wrong? did i. what? what is it? where are we going? wait. i'm not coming with you? so what the hell was all that about back there? thank you? for what? what am i supposed to do now? whatever i want. except go with you. i thought you were my friend. i'll be safe so long as i'm with you. i know it. if i came with you, i wouldn't be alone. and neither would you. fine! i'll do just that! i had a life there! a family! i didn't ask you to save me! i didn't ask you for anything! shit. shit. where the hell am i? are you all right? you look like you need some help. it'll just take a minute. you came back for me. okay. what about her? you killed it! that cute little thing! that's not funny. i'm not eating that. what does that taste like? what is that? who's saint christopher? is he a character from your book? what is a saint, anyway? someone like you. will you read me some more from the book? eli? you scared me! i thought you were asleep. i just wanted to see the book. okay! i understand! ow! well. now we have the time, maybe you can teach me. you say you've been walking for twenty-five years. have you ever considered that you might be lost? but how can you know? how can you know this is the right way? yeah, but laid out by who? well if this god guy's so mighty, how come it's taking you so long to get where you're going? doesn't he know the way? sorry. so, is he talking to you right now? telling you where to go? i don't know what that word means. that doesn't make any sense at all. i don't get it. it looks almost. normal. like nothing ever happened. how can it still be out here? maybe we should look inside. there might be food. this is weird. what? it's very good. are these. graves? they look so sweet. i would never have believed they were killers. what? they what? oh my god. no! thank you! oh no. it's my dad. it's his men. i recognize the cars. where did you get all this stuff? my daddy showed me once. i never rode a bike. what are we going to do? because god told you? eli! i'm fine. oh god. wait! it's here! i've got it! please don't kill him. it's just a book, eli. no book is worth giving up your life for. he said he would hurt my mom. if i didn't help him. i want you to let him go. you've got what you came for. you don't need him. let him go. if you hurt him, i'm not coming back with you. you'll have to drag me kicking and screaming. come on, come on. no. no! eli! eli! eli. i can't go back there. eli, i'm so sorry. for what? i betrayed you! i gave them the book! you're not mad at me? here. i thought you might still need this. what are you going to do now? why? i mean, you don't have the book any more. what's that? how come it's here? what's wrong? what? smell what? this. this is the world before? i see it. is that it? solara. i, uh, i think it's japanese. you turned the whole prison into a library? thanks. but i gotta do what i gotta do. home.