j-jesus. what the fuck happened? are ya b-boys all right? an f.b.i. agent came by the bar. he left me his c-c, he left me his c-c, he left me this. fuck!. ass! what are you going to do? y-y-yeah that's what he said. don't know. he didn't say. a-anything. right. fuck! ass! i got some bad news. looks like i'm gonna have ta close d-down the bar. the russians have been buying up buildings all over town, including this one. fuck!. ass! and they're not letting me renew my lease. i got 'til the end of the week to come up with 26,000 dollars, or they take the place. i left them a note telling them not to show their faces t- tonight. they been pressuring me ta close and take the last few days ta get all my shit outta here but it's my right to stay open ta the last. l-l-listen i don't want anyone ta know until the last possible moment. so you guys keep your traps shut. ya know what they say; people in glass houses sink ships. what? why don't you make like a tree and get the fuck outta here!