so these guys are just kickin' the shit out of each other. this guy picks up an old kitchen sink that some one threw out and crushes this guy with it. all right, so it makes a big bang and alerts their friend, who's standin' look out around the corner. so he comes over and gets into it with this guy, he's angry at him, right? they get into an altercation in which the look out guy crushes this guy by jumpin on him. and look at the damage here. i mean this guy's fuckin' hamburger man. his spine is crushed. he's all twisted and shit. that guy had to be one big mother fucker. huge, 3-400 pounds, fuckin huge. that's one big fuckin' shoe!. and think about it. of all the ways to kill a guy, crushin' him to death. that's very particular. you don't get many of those. i dunno. i feel something big here. i wouldn't be surprised if we see more of these turning up. detective greenly. who the fuck are you? who the. chief, what the fuck is this? no way. you know how big a guy's gotta be to do that? fuckin' huge. i ain't getting him no fuckin' bagel. these guys are miles away by now. but if you want to beat your head against a wall, then here's what you look for. these guys are scared like two little bunny rabbits. anything in a uniform or flashing blue lights will spook them. so the only thing we can do is put a potato on a string and drag it through south boston. why do you always disrespect me like that? eight. no! shit! i didn't see that one. nine! nine! shit! shit! uh. shit, i, uh. witness? then that's what they had in common. they were all bad guys. now they're all dead bad guys. they weren't related. the guy used a 38. no pennies. totally amateur. a couple of peons for the mob and. what if it was just one guy with six guns?