connor, is that you? is that worthless brother of your there? i want you both ta hear this. it's all your fault. both you little bastards. i was a fool to believe you would bring me any peace. the day your da left us when you were almost too young to remember, he said the two of you would do me right and make me proud, but he was wrong and i got nothin' ta live for. i finally found your da's army revolver, connor. i got it ta my head now. i got it ta my head now. i want ta tell ya one last thing before i pull the trigger. you! oh, jesus! no ma! christ ma! no! okay, seriously, both you listen ta me now. it's only 11:00 here boys so i got lot's more drinkin' ta do with your worthless relatives down at the anvil. well, you know how it is with him. always complainin' he's never turnin' a profit on st. patty's. whole damn family goes down there with no money, cause we know he can't bear ta charge us. but he's been havin' himself a nip or two as well. been up the waitress' skirt all night, poor girl. lord's name. what did you do, connor? what. the dirty bitch! i hope ya trounced her a good one! well listen, i know how my boys take ta scrappin' when they take ta drinkin'. i mean it now. i carried the two of you little bastards around in my belly at the same time you ungrateful pissants. ya ruined my girlish figure in one fell swoop, and then ya sucked me dry. my tits are saggin' down ta my ankles. i trip over em for christ sakes, now ya listen ta me, no fighten! promise me boys. well, there's my boys. shit. i gotta go. looks like i caused a ruckus with that shot. half the damn neighborhood is comin'. still bickerin' over that, huh? all right, i suppose you have the right ta know. are ya ready? the one with the biggest cock!