hey! fuck! ass! get me a beer! it's not that i'm homophobic. i'm just afraid of faggots. let me talk to my boss, may i can. y'know doc, i gotta get you a, a, like a proverb book or something. this mix and match shit's gotta go. hey, there boris. what would you say if i told you that your pinko, commie mother sucked so much dick. joey bevo said it was important. said i had to give it to him myself. fuck you vincenzo. i caught your show down at the velvet room at the holiday inn, loved it when you busted into viva las vegas. hey, hey, hey. poppa joe, you want me to go now? yeah boss? the. the funny man. uh. okay. um. you hear the one about the, no fuck that one. uh. oh! oh! well. shit. okay, there's a white guy. he's walkin' along the beach and he finds a, a pot, y'know and ah, he rubs it and this genie pops out. but this genie, he's a ni. he's a black guy. yeah. and uh, he's pissed off. he says, "why you crackers always gotta find my mother fuckin' pot? and he tells him he's gonna grant all his three wishes but he's gonna give all the black guys. sorry! sorry! all the niggers on the planet get double what he wishes for. "i'll take a million dollars," he says. genie give it to him and says every nigger on earth just got two million. "i don't care gimme a yacht." poof there it is. e-every bl. every nigger just got two yachts. genie goes. i'm sorry poppa joe. i can't. this joke sucks. he says, "what's your third wish?" and the guys says, "i-i want you to beat me half to death." this better be good. talk! oh, god! don't kill me! we're on the same side! the boss musta sent you in as back up, huh? oh, shit, please! i'm rocco. i'm the funny man. they call me the funny fuckin' man! chest pocket. shit! poppa joe said there was only two. in and out. boy, you guys sure did a good job. you're good, huh? cool masks. where'd you get them? don't kill me. oh shit, please no. i'm rocco. i'm the funny man!. the funny man. the funny. what did you do?! fuckin'. what the fuckin' fuck! who the fuck, fucked this fuckin'? fuck. how did you two fuckin', fucks?. fuck!!! what the fuck are you doing here? what, huh!? what? what? what? answers! i want fuckin' answers! fuck! anybody you think is evil? don't you think that's a little psycho? a little weird? you guys should be in every major city. this is some heavy shit. this is like lone ranger-heavy man. fuck it! there's so much shit that pisses me off. you guys should recruit 'cause i am sick and fuckin' tired of walkin' down the street waitin' for one of these assholes to get me, y'know? so you're not just talkin' mob guys. you're talkin' anyone, right? even like pimps and drug dealers and all that shit? well fuck, you guys could do this every day. you fuckin' guys. you ruined me. i'm fuckin' done. permanent package boy. what are you serious? fuck it! i'm doing it. i deserve it. i've been working for those fat bastards since i was in high school and look at this place. they're fuckin' me man! hey, they can suck my pathetic little dick. and i'll dip my nuts in marinara just so the fat fucks can get a taste of home while they're at it. that's it, it's done, i'm doing it. shit. she's on every drug know to man. she'd have sold that thing for a dime bag. screw her. but i do kinda feel like an ass-hole. she ain't been around in weeks anyhow. what? what are you saying? you think they sold me out? no way. no, no. that's just not the way things are done. besides, how's he know i don't just get in there see there's too many and just serve em their fuckin' food and beat it? no. no man. that's. that's. you don't know what you're talking about. that's bullshit. i know these guys. i mean, thanks for your concern, but that just ain't the thing of it. no, look. no rolling. nothing needs to be rolled. hey. you don't know that shit for sure. fuck you! oh yeah. you two fuckin' micks know what's going on, huh? fuck you! i'll be back at 9:00. hey murph. yeah. anybody call for me? i'm fuckin' fine. catch you on the flip side. hey, murph. yeah. anybody call for me? i'm fuckin' fine. catch you on the flip side. pack your shit! we gotta get outta here! we gotta get out! i killed em! oh, jesus! i killed em all!! no! fuck you! you start getting excited! we gotta fucking go! hurry the fuck up! those cocksuckers sold me out! what did i fuckin' do?. in the middle of the lakeview. what? i killed your fuckin' cat, you druggie bitch! i felt it would bring closure to our relationship! your what?! your fuckin' what?! your what, bitch? i'll shoot myself in the head, you can tell me that cats name! go ahead. your what? your precious little. peeperman? wrong? what color was it?!!! male or female, bitch?!! shut your fat ass, rayvie! i can't buy a pack of smokes without running into nine guys you fucked. all right, let's get the fuck outta here! those rat fucks! all of them were all laughing at me man! fuckin-a-right i did. i had a goddam turkey shoot over there. what? did everyone know? next thing you'll tell me sal was in on it. fuck, man! i may as well have posted flyers. right out in public, man. y'know it is, a bit. stop the car! vincenzo, that fat motherfucker, yakavetta's right hand. he's the one who set me up. then he went around shooting his mouth off, telling everyone i was as good as dead. he goes in there every wednesday night around 10:00, he jerks off in the same booth to the same titty dancer. never misses. so let's kill the motherfucker. i mean, what are you guys. like that's your new thing right? oh, what the fuck? how do you guys decide who you're. i mean, who makes the cut? is there a raffle or something? well, what'ya do? meee! me! i'm the guy! i know everyone, their habits, where they hang out, who they talk to. i know where they fuckin' live. we could kill everyone! what? you guys got masks. fine! fuck it! when we're done she can i.d. me. i don't care. just tryin' to be professional, but no. which one is he in? what's his routine? then what? oh man. he is some sicko. i-i'll tip her. all right. i'm sorry. i'm pathetic. what? what is it? you sure about this guy? oh man. you gotta let me do these guys. i'm such a moron. i gotta make up for the tit thing. aw, c'mon. i gotta clear my family name here. i've brought shame to the house of della rocco. wyatt-fuckin'-earp, man! you guys gotta teach me that prayer, man. that's some good shit. c'mon! let's talk some business here. i know a sick fuck. makes the ones we been doing look like altar boys. worst night of my life when i met this guy. the guy never says a fuckin' word to me. we're driving for 25 minutes. never a sigh, no throat clearing, nothing. and his face, blank man. just nothing there. i didn't see what he was doing while he was in there. yeah. yeah, i'd like that. tell me something. what did they do? worst day of my life, man. fuck you! i told you i never saw him before! fuck you both! ya ask me, he was aiming at you! this is so fuckin' cool! don't fuck with me lady. i'll kill you. all of them. shit!. shit! he ain't here. i mean he ain't here. i know what the fuck he looks like! help me you assholes! he's gonna fuckin' kill me! i don't wanna die!!!!! what? what, that guy? they got nothing. well, i'd say that makes him a lia- fuckin-bility. okay. whatever. my mom's gonna kill me. hey! we gotta talk about this early morning church shit. you gonna do what i say, got it? i'm sorry you're gonna hafta see this. don't look at me! shut up! shut the fuck up! open it! that's who i'm doing this for, now open the fuckin' thing. father, i'll do you right here. okay, just calm down. he could hurt us, brother. he could ruin the whole thing. you won't do it connor, you won't. you love me man. do your thing father. don't fuck this up. just be natural, goddamit. goddam right, i am. i wouldn't have, uh, killed you, father. dominus ominus. remember, you're bound. you can't talk about this. to anyone. the lord works in mysterious ways. you guys? you gotta keep going. you'll make it outta here. you can't ever stop, not ever.