brilliant. so now we got a huge guy theory and serial crusher theory. top fucking notch. what's your name? that's who the fuck i am. why don't you get me a cup of coffee. caf latte. twist of lemon! sweet-n-low! mitchell, langley! find the manager of this building. see if he has had any complaints of water coming down in any apartments, starting just this morning. if he's not there, knock on every door starting from the third floor up. langley, you take this building, same thing. chaffey, newman. look in the trash around their hands. see if you can find me two bullet casings. 45's, if my eye serves me right. don't disturb them. mark them as they lay. newman, root through this shit. if this was a sink find me some metal parts. gimme a faucet or a drain cover or something. chief, could you get ballistics down here and tell them they have to dig a 45 slug out of a brick wall. and locate another that's been fired through a dumpster. paraffin came up positive. and bullet holes are usually a big clue. look under the body. you guy's ready for this? this was no gangland assassination. though creative, it was way too sloppy. something went wrong here. this has personal written all over it. now, these men were crushed and the first natural reaction the body has to such trauma is to tense up. so now the two shots fired here were reflex rounds. these guys weren't shooting at anything, but they were just about to. fourth floor huh? then we're heading to the fifth. let's go up and see just how right i am. really want to know? oooo. i might be wanting a bagel with my coffee. we'll start the ass kissing with you. good work, mitchell. i'll check that out myself. i want a.p.b.'s put out. i want more uniforms on the streets. one thing's for sure, wherever these guys are they're hurting. first of all, i'd like to thank whichever one of you donut munching, barrel-assed dip-shits leaked this to the press. that's just what we need now, some sensational story in the papers making these guys out to be super heroes, triumphing over evil. and let me squash the rumors now. these two aren't heroes. they are two ordinary men who were put in an extraordinary situation and they just happened to come out on top. yes, nothing from our far reaching computer system has turned up jack shit on these two. all we know is what we found out from their neighbors. and the general consensus is that they're. angels. but angels don't kill and we got two bodies in the morgue that look like they've been. serial crushed by a huge fuckin' guy. well, not armed. if they had guns, they'd have used them. but dangerous? oh yeah. look, look! i'm not saying one way or the other. just be careful and go by the protocol on this one. just hit the bricks nice and hard. what the fuck is this!? this isn't a fuckin' tea party. get out! only thing i want in here is them. this conversation is going to be recorded. just answer to the best of your knowledge. you guys are not under oath, here. i am assuming you knew these two guys from before, huh? they had some pretty interesting bandages. know anything about that? know any other languages? what are you guys doing working at a fucking meat packing plant? what? you're not being charged. it's up to you. do you want to talk to them? well, we could try the bag over the head thing. walk you right out the front. well, we'll have to check with your mother, but it's ok with me if your friends sleep over. time to feed the dogs. uh,huh. room number. we got a time of death? what's the body count? uh, huh. i'll be down there in a bit. keep the press out. what are you doing? cuddle?. what a fag! he's struck again, hasn't he, greenly? respect is earned, greenly, never given. guys like you should have to follow me around squabbling for the scraps from my table. how many bodies, greenly? while greenly's getting coffee, anybody else want anything? so duffy, got any theories to go with that. tie. the what man? well, freud was right. so you think they came for the fag man, huh? and what do you base this upon? and the pennies? that's a possibility. y'know you boston cops are perking up. that's two sound theories in one day, neither of which deal with abnormally sized men. another possibility is that they were placed there with religious intent. the greeks. the italians. symbology? well, now that duffy has relinquished his king bone head crown i see we have an heir to the throne. i'm sure the word you were looking for was symbolism. what's the symbolism there? let me explain it to you. in greek and roman mythology when you died you would have to pay the toll to charon, the boatman who ferried you across to the gates of judgment. this made sure the dead came to atone for what they did during their lives, detective. dollapoppaskalious. yeah, well. i'm an expert in name- ology. i've seen burns like these before. they used silencers. look at these entry and exit wounds. they're identical. the two bullets went in here, through the top of the skull, criss-crossed and exited through the eyeballs. this one clue tells us three distinct facts. number one. duffy. excellent! number two. greenly. it tells us that he was the last to die. all these men were carrying. they came in, dropped all in seconds and then took their time with fag man. didn't they, duffy?! they sure as fuck did! and number three, dolly. fan-fuckin-tastic! now stay with me, boys. what did they do to make two such identical wounds? did one guy put him on his knees, pop a cap in, sit him back up and shoot him again the same way? no. two men of similar height dropped this guy down, each put some iron to his head and boom! that's all she fuckin' wrote! possible, but unlikely. the angles are too extreme. a guy holding two guns to the back of your head is gonna shoot straight ahead. he wouldn't cock out his elbows, makes no sense. besides, you telling me one guy came in here and killed eight men with eight extremely well aimed shots in just a few seconds? no way. had to be at least two. television,. television is the explanation for this. you see this is bad television. the little assault guys creeping in through the vents and coming in through the ceilings. that james bond shit never happens in real life. professionals don't do that. so we've got this up here, which has novice written all over it. and all this down here that's simply a perfect textbook assassination. so here's our two possibilities. we either have rank amateurs that got lucky or consummate professionals that fucked up. join me in a drink, gentlemen. with the exception of my coffee boy, you boston detectives are starting to show signs of intelligence. so, i am going to make you privy to some information that you would not normally be. these men are all russian mob. not like those two peons in the alley the other day. these guys are all syndicate bosses and underbosses. i have a dossier on every man in this room. since the iron curtain has gone down, the russian syndicates have started to come here. and in the spirit of glasnost the soviets have opened their borders to the mafia. but the italians, they're not convinced that the grounds in mother russia are fertile enough for organized crime yet. so they ain't ready to commit. the russians are coming here anyway. they are unwelcome. what we have here, gentlemen, is possibly the beginning of the first international mob war. unless i've totally missed something. now, what is this going to look like to those who do not know what i just told you? and is there an american, shit is there a man seated among us that hasn't thought about it many times, let's just put them all on an island, give them guns and let them kill each other. this is our wet dream come true. you can expect federal and local law enforcement to go only deep enough to satisfy the law, then bury it from here on out. that depends. you either do your job or get ethical. can she i.d. them? of course they were. how many? nah, too quick half their infrastructure got taken out at the copley plaza. besides, if you're a hitter, you're either working for the russians or the italians. there's no riding the fence. our little theory from last night just got blown to shit. something. new is going on here. probably shouldn't work another shift for awhile. after talking to the dancer we know that their mark was the guy in the middle booth. after she watches them whack him, she passes out. why the two extra victims? no way they could have seen it. allow me to enlighten you gentlemen to the protocol of the porno industry, as i'm sure you've never been in one of these places before. a man goes into the booth, puts the money in the slot. the dancer gets it on the other side. she hits the button, door goes up, now there is only glass between you and it's little fireman time. those doors were down. which means this. they looked down in through the peep hole, saw these guys and opened the doors from the inside. pop, pop, pop, right through the glass. why? no. this guy is big time. these two are street-walking scum. we got another thing to think about here. we got us a genuine kennedy assassination style bullet theory. two guns were used here, guns a and b. the guy in the middle was done with both. but this guy. . he was killed with bullets from gun a only. and this guy. . gun b only. but ballistics dug two slugs out of the wall from over here where the victim was done with and it's the same story over here. why the crossover? theories. what? why was i not informed of this? who were the victims? oh that's just beautiful! all the scumbags in the quiet city of boston start dropping dead and you think it's unrelated?! greenly, the day i want the boston police doing my thinking for me, i will have a fucking tag on my toe! now, get me a squad car and get me over there. i want the crime scene photos and any witness statements. now! oh. it looks like we got us a cowboy. the shooter knew these guys, huh? friends, gentlemen. they were friends. these guys were packing. not one hand near a gun. it's simple human behavior. someone you don't know approaches you, you put your hand on it. this guy's got his hands on the table. he's eating his food, for christ sakes. they were friends. these two fucking scenes are related. too many coincidences. same day? five hours apart? dead mobsters on both scenes. now, why did he kill the bartender? duffy. this look like a fucking post office to you? this guy came in here with intent. maybe he didn't know exactly what he was gonna do but he had a pretty good idea. the bartender wasn't a fucking accident. fucking figures. look, are you guys seeing the pattern here? we got big questions at both of these crime scenes, with no answers. why did they kill the guys in the other two booths? why did he do the bartender? it would seem unnecessary, even stupid. god, i hate cold crime scenes! i'm fucking leaving now. and do me a favor, tell me when the next guy dies, cause these guys are not done yet. okay. here's what happened. they waited in a parked car down the street for the kid to leave. they went in through the garage. the kid says he leaves it open when he takes his bike out. now, they know the wife is the gate keeper. she knows the code. the wife says she doesn't know what happened after she hit the code. she just remembers going down. but, judging by the burn mark on her back, i think what they did. was use a stun gun on her. now the guy knows a friend is coming to the game. and they know that this door can only be opened from the inside. so they wait. and when that door opens, man. nobody was ready for it. devastation, panic! this was like shooting fish in a fuckin' barrel! now these guys dove under the table. the trajectory on the bullets show they came from straight across. so this means one of our shooters. dropped to his knees. something went wrong. right here. now, one of these guys is a real sicko. he knew this man. he wanted him to suffer, to feel every second of a painful death. this guy is one bad motherfucker. i've never seen wounds like these before, but whatever he used on this guy, it was a blunt object and they took it with them. they exited out the front door. and they had no fucking idea what they were in for. now they are staring at six guys with guns drawn. it was a fucking ambush. and this was a fucking bomb dropping in beaver cleaverville! for a few seconds this place was armageddon! there was a fire fight! why don't you let me do the thinking, huh, genius? what is taking so long with those blood samples? they used ammonia. none of this shit is any good. fuck. you know what this means?! even if we get suspects in this case, we got nothing. nothing! who the fuck are they?! i've never seen any-fucking-thing like this in my whole fucking life. who the fuck are they?!! no. this is all wrong. david della rocco? yeah. maria, this is smecker. could you find me the visitor's list for the day the macmanus brothers were in and read me all the names? okay, thank you. pour the drink, faggot-ass! okay. but i don't cuddle. hello? you there? oh, christ, uh, i've never confessed. according to the dogma of the catholic church, i should probably burst into flames right here in this booth. but i've come here for advice, not salvation. why have i come to a church? i never have before. i guess i just. felt i should. it's ethics. i put evil men behind bars, but the law has miles of red tape and loopholes for these. cocksuckers to slip through. i've found out there are these two young men who fix the situation with an iron fist. as if they have god's permission. but what they do is wrong and i should arrest them. technically. but in this day and age i believe what they do is. necessary. i feel it is. correct. yes. yes. has he now? i guess not. you're right. i want to stand for what i believe in, father. i believe these young men are right. yes. no. they would never do that. well, the two irish guys wouldn't. but the italian guy, he might. he's kind of an idiot. i'm beginning to see. i've been doing my job. well for fifteen years and it's just not enough. all the things i wish i could do, these guys are doing. millions of dollars in tax payers' money wasted on shit like wire taps and surveillance. theses boys go in and take care of it for the price of a bullet. ww-what do you think i should do? because i'm a law man. yes! yes! i was thinking that, too. no. i was feeling it. all i needed was to hear you say it! amen! i'll help them. thank you, father, thank you. whatever. goodbye, amen. that's all you can give me? so you're telling me it was one guy with six guns? a-and he was a senior fucking citizen? i'll see what i can do. how do i get in touch with you? be careful. what did he bring him in for? just for him? up where? oh fuck! you look like you could use a quickie.