why would yakavetta want them back here? him of all people. well. it's a theory. so? look, i been stone walling the media on this thing but the mayor's been riding me like a rented mule here. i got half of new england thinking the saints whacked a priest and the other half thinking their innocent. its a powder keg. i'm talking riot gear at celtics games, here. i could clear them of this murder, take the piss right out of this thing, keep the peace in the commonwealth. gimme one good reason why i shouldn't go public right now. your boss, john kuntsler called. tells me you got a problem with authority. and what's that? oh, jeez, that's not. if it's confirmed that the saints are back and too many bodies start showing up with pocket change. . he's gonna pull you and step in. listen. i'll fend him off. just work fast.