so, there it is. i want everyone to feel free to share their thoughts. six years ago, with the backing of an adoring public, these vigilante fucks put my father on his knees and executed him. in public. mi patrigno, a blood relative and benefactor to all of you. poppa joe made you rich and his murder remains un-revenged. this too, is infamita. these homicidal maniacs nearly wiped this family out. it's taken a lot of time to build ourselves up again, brick by brick. and now that we've re-acquiesced our original power, can we really afford to have these guys pop out of the woodwork someday and try to finish the job when we least expect it? now, for those of you who have forgotten, let's recap. these fuckers walk into rooms full of gangsters. outnumbered, outgunned. they kill everyone. and leave. you think i don't know that each one of you's been waking up in night sweats over this the last couple years? these sons of bitches prison fucked us with no lube, wiped their dicks on our drapes and walked away! and we been living in silent fear ever since. oh, we don't talk about it. rape victims often don't. but it's there. knowing they're still out there, somewhere. thinking. what if? thank you, doctor phil. so, let's take a moment to look at the serendiplious, diperous, serendip. get over here! push the talk button, numb nuts. i can hear you fine, smokey and the bandit. now, what the fuck are you doing here? you stupid motherfucker! i told you, you're on the streets till this is over! now get the fuck outta here! and don't come back here till i tell you to, you fat fucking waste of space! that wiley old fox not as clever as we thought. or maybe he played me from the git. y-you think he played me? a little sensitivity, huh? you heartless cocksucker! i need to vindicate my feelings here! i can't tell those goombas outside! they'll serve up my balls over a plate of fucking spaghetti! i want each of you to call your top button man. the best you got. i want them all here tonight. we rip this city a new asshole. it's time for us to reconnoiter our strength on the streets. we seize the day starting now. carpel tunnel, gentlemen, carpel tunnel. desperate times require. some, you know, some desperate shit. starting tonight, every one of you fat fucking slobs is back on the streets and earning your daily bread. shut the fuck up! we got no choice. you motherfuckers better get in touch with your 'inner gangster'. it's time to knock the dust off your ball bats! you break bones! you smash heads! you do whatever you gotta do! each one of you is to stick to the guy that called you here like glue. you arm yourselves to the teeth, pick your own crews. these bible banging psychos will make an attempt. it's your job to blow their souless hearts out of their chests. we gotta take back what's ours with some sincere ironfistery.