of course it ain't them but that doesn't really matter, does it. our skeletons just came screaming out of the closet. we're fucked. don't you fucking say it! i didn't even know he had a protege. what is this bullshit? and the hits just keep on comin'. game time. how are we playing this? agreed. we're a brick wall. look, with all due respect, agent bloom. excuse me? all their vics were criminals. clearly not the case here. so, it wasn't them which means this is a local matter and it falls under our jurisdiction. no need for federal involvement so with all due respect. we'll see you later, special agent bloom. but you said he was wicked short. that puts him at five, seven-ish. that's not uncommonly short. yeah. from inside he could only do so much. since he got out nine months ago, the yakavetta's have regained their original strength. looks like their clearing all their open accounts. that means his resources on the streets are battening down the hatches, waiting for them to show. this brawd, trying to put a feather in her cap is gonna get us locked up. that's another thing. everyone's assuming that they're going to come back. i mean, we got no way of knowing that for sure. why? what do you think happened here? just got a call from my best snitch. never steered me wrong. he says its this guy. "gorgeous" george tuffano. he's trusted bruglione to yakavetta but not blood. he's been left control of the streets. he's running all of it. maybe we're reading it wrong. the priest was a frame job, right? holy. fucking. shit. it's a brick wall anyway. we know napoleon was wearing gloves. lab got zilch off the chain and lock. the pennies came up clean too. yakavetta's just a gangster. he ain't got the juice to pull that off. what is this? where are we going? the prudential building? what are you, cracked? god speed. romeo, in a laundry uniform, emerges from the back pushing a loaded laundry cart. he enters a. blood splatters in the direction of the rounds fired. if the assailants discharged toward the windows, the blood would follow suit. here, the majority of splatter is in the opposing direction. yeah, professional moron. what do we do now? i mean, the brothers ain't goin' nowhere until we get panza or they do. 25: you hafta be detectives dolly and duffy. am i right? eunice bloom. a pleasure. well, since we've broken the "fuck barrier," allow me to be blunt. one guy, lefty, short. got it. who dares trespass in the house of god? type situation we find ourselves in here. there's a good chance they'll show. no catching us with our pants down this time. we can deal with them proactivitously. the cops were embarrassed by these guys too. with a second bite at the apple, they got every reason in the world to crank up the heat. and as for their doting public. i'd imagine they're gonna lose a few fans. you can get in and out the fu-fu-fire escape. not this time, ya little shit. i'm gonna go powder my nose. let's go. he won't come out. looks like bloomy aced her science project. the fuckin' eiger sanction. come on. easy, noah. easy friend. you know what's always tripped me out? how hundreds of years ago, a bunch of desperate gamblers in leaky ass ships, crossed the ocean blue. they had no clue what was on the other side of it. took real balls. but they sailed into infinity and made it all the way to the shores of the new fucking world. . and all they had was their faith. i'm always surprised how so many people miss the simple fact that faith. is the reason all of us are even here. you can't underestimate the power of it. shit, you were the ones that taught me that.