we need to keep our heads, here. it's probably not even them. we're not fucked. now's not the time to panic, green beans! special agent eunice bloom, 32 years old. smecker plucked her right out of class at quantico. she was assigned to ocd two years back. she can shoot a gun, set three course records during her training. she is also an authority on the saints case. which means smecker must have walked her through it. feds love to pull the divide and conquer routine. we hard line her. stick together on this. agreed? o'kay, eunice. i don't see why the fuck the fed is. what is the fed's interest in this? the detectives harden, brick wall. eunice furrows her brow. the victim was killed late last night. when people gathered for morning mass, they found the front entrance chained and padlocked. a locksmith came out, cut the chain and surprise, surprise. cell phones. half of them called the cops. half of them called the media. but regardless. word's out. the two "v's." the victim and venue don't add up. uh, so. let's just. what can you tell us about the shooters? one guy's holding two guns to the back of your head. left handed. to have them executed. revenge. oldest motive in the book. c.i.'s came back. cold hits all around. concezio yakavetta and his six capo regime, all blood relatives, have disappeared. this is not good. she's gunning for the boys hard. just calm down. we need to figure what we're gonna do when the boys show and start doin' what they do best. cuz that's when the shit's really gonna hit the fan. what dream world did you two just slip into?! point blank! we know the boys. is there any part of you that thinks they're are just going to let this slide? believe this. they are either on their way. or they're already here. i don't know. ballistics just dug it out. i don't know. ballistics is reading three shooters. this is one of them. yeah, maybe somebody's trying to eliminate some competition here. the results on all 864 prints found at the scene. all match churchgoers or clergy but one. the partial on the priest's watch is still unidentified. right here, off his left elbow. where are you going with this? you knew all along. trick question. there is no number three. he only fucked up twice. you didn't get this from a movie. did you? sixty seconds! what are you talking about!? jesus christ! seven seconds. six. shut up. eunice! oh, shit! eunice! greenly slams the talk button. i got no idea. that's just weird. the roman? what do you think it means? hello.