special agent bloom! you are hereby relieved of all obligation to this investigation. that's right, kids. this crime scene is now under the full jurisdiction of your beloved federal government. as of now, you will all report to me, special agent john kuntsler. don't let us interrupt you. just don't forget to turn over everything you find. we have people standing by ready to take credit for all your hard work. so, how ya doin', bloomy? nice little science project you got going with these three goofballs. you trying to turn them into your own little junior g-men? well, you can put sprinkles on shit, bloom, but it's still shit. so, you and your keystone cops can all go home now and let the professionals handle this? o'kay. seems pretty obvious. the door was broken down. we've got our point of entry. the assailants fired in this direction. explains the windows. the victims were. that was just off the. i would have seen the blood thing. i haven't even had time to. and just why would i do that? hey! hey! what happened in there? what was said to you, agent? anybody word from bloom, yet? i want that little bayou bitch in here. something stinks about this whole thing. this is s.a.i.c., jonathan buford kuntsler! security code a4153b! i need an immediate r2 law enforcement override clearance! everyone in the tri-state area with a gun! the location is to be surrounded and secured upon arrival! nobody goes in! are those fucking news choppers?!