"and they that holdest my name shall come with the shaking of the earth and the roiling of the oceans." naw. i'm in no condition. i'd just slow 'em down. aye. only there's about a thousand easier ways ta do that. trust me. someone's callin' them out, sibeal. ya kill a priest in a church and make it look like they did it. bring 'em back with a vengeance. don't know who. don't know why. but someone thinks he's real fuckin' clever. only one problem with his little plan. it worked. where is the old man? easy, boys. connor! son. daddy's workin'. where is he? where? i'm so sorry, boys. this is all my fault. i was an immigrant to the u.s. in 1958. i was sixteen. i came to new york where my father, jacob macmanus, was a cobbler. had a little shop and i was to learn the family business. mafia was everywhere in those days. then one day. back in '75, i did a hit, came out and the police were waitin' for me. he set me up, 25 to life. can't wait ta ask him. i couldn't. he'd learned of the birth of my sons. aye. will they know it's you? will you be all right, dear? it ends taday. hello, louie. we haven't much time. you know my reasons. you know why i did what i did. no. and you? what are you? why. did you sell me out, louie? 25 years. try me. is this your place among them? because all i see is a an old man, sitting in a garden. why the priest, louie? why all this? why, now? boys. help me up. i'll see you in a minute, louie. it's a beautiful day.