noah. my garden. she is beautiful, yes? ah, but you. you are blind to beauty. you are a destroyer, noah. but do you? you think it was for your father? no. you were born a killer. death. is in the very blood that runs through your veins. then explain this. you were not there to raise them. not a single day. yet, how closely they follow in the footsteps of their father. they have inherited your blood, noah. your anger. i am a creator. you see? our very natures stood in opposition as old as the story of the scorpion and the frog. you can never understand. i wanted to join with them. they were building an empire. creating something and i was helping them! i used you, noah, to eliminate their problems, to destroy their competition, to cut out their cancers. i earned my place among them. alas, the scorpion and the frog both lost everything, yes? i should have paid more attention to the story. without you. i was no longer useful to them. they cast me out! because i knew it would bring you and your sons. you would destroy the yakavettas and clear my way. this time, i will take what is rightfully mine. just a little piece, for my old age. after all, i have never been a greedy man.