you should never fight a mexican, frenchy. pound for pound, the toughest mother fuckers on earth. know why? we like pain. we like it, pierre. i mean think about it, "tabasco sauce." what kinda fucked up people would even invent that shit? don't be scared. remember, i can't hit you. i ain't gonna hit ya. ain't gonna hit ya. ain't gonna. ooooo. found the loophole, bitch! aughtta be a lawyer! got the 'fine print on y'ass! pursuant to! pro bono! pari pasu! i'll knock you out on contingency, mother fucker. oh, shit. fire! fire! the brothers emerge from the shadows, cutting them off. whoa! uh, merci, uh, si vous plait. oh, thank, god. irish, huh? finally some class. i'm romeo. i heard you were supposed to on t.v. oh. i'd be more inclined to go with something like, "that doesn't go there, we saved your entire fucking country in world war two! gee. thanks for the statue! oh, shit. i know who you are. you guys are the fuckin'. oh, this is so fucking cool, man. i'm from boston. i love you guys. shit, everybody does! i mean, holy fucking shit! maybe i could get in on this, you know? bring some la raza ta this thing. spice it up a little. hey, is it true you guys say a prayer before you grease somebody? that shit was not funny, man! oh, thank you, jesus. thought i greased my drawers. but i got conex all over bean town. romeo'll hook you up like a tow truck! why not?! it's because i'm mexican, isn't it! i'm gonna let you have that one. look. i can do this. it's not rocket science. you two find bad guys doing bad shit and you kill them, right? well, you ain't. can't you guys see it? this shit's fate, man. like preordained type shit. mea fucking culpa! why do you think you just happened to be in that hatchway today? ah, ha! that's what you say. i say it's because jeeeeesus wanted it that way! fine. then what exactly do you intend to do when you hit u.s. soil? so, what's your first gig? what's the first thing you gonna do? you two need to chill in the green room, sip on some pellegrinos and let your manager handle the details. and you better get my cub scout badge ready. cuz if you want to kick yakavetta in the nuts, let him know you're in town. romeo's got an ace in the hole for you. it's been all over the papers the last two years. yakavetta's in bed with the chinese. they're using international shipping routes to smuggle it in. this is little yaka's shit. well, dust off my "members only" jacket. cuz the kid has also supplied the ride! i don't like words that got 'spic' right in the middle. besides, it is. where i live. hey! i hail from a colorful people. besides, you wouldn't know style if it pitched a tent in your ass! what do you think of the ride, conman? all right! i get the fucking point! it's genius. i can even drive an f- lift, man. got my class "d" license and everything. i need a gun. what the fuck? i'm in on this shit, man! i'm working here! can i consider myself your girlfriend, too? it's fine. yeah, the character of a little bitch. sorry, man. we got a plan going, here. technically, i was supposed to knock you out. so, let's not let this one, small incident get in the way of. what?! hey! what's goin' on in there?! uh, hem! nice to meet you, fuck ass, i'm romeo. this is so fucking cool. you know what this is? this is our hide out, man! we got a hide out! fuck the both of you! whew. a quarter of a mill for us? uncle, why do you have to disrespect me in front of them?! well, i don't wash fucking pots anymore! i'm part of this, uncle! you fucking assholes! so, am i as good as this guy, or what? que pasa. we got him. how would you like me to sidekick you in the ass, roy? i'm sick of this shit! i've been breaking my balls, here and i get second banana billing! i. yeah?! well, there's an "i" in "fuck you! my uncle's place is closed tonight. i got the key. si, muchachos. these dagos are getting antsy and i'm getting spicaroo'd and pepe'd. the kid's about to go poncho fucking villa out there! gimme my fucking bee bee gun. viva la mejico, bitches! he's gone. who the fuck was that guy?! fucking. what the fuck?! who the fuck is this brawd?! and what the fuck's going on, here?! oh, no you didn't. i'll take these. yeah! tears of joy! how much? what? are you saying i look gay?! you don't know me. you think these make me look gay? romeo poses. the dealer shrugs. nothing. nothing! it's just. this is some heavy shit. yeah, but we're going off a new script here. i'm just having a. period of adjustment. hey! you two ain't the only ones rollin' with no health insurance! just let me do my thing. i'm absorbing this. oh, i'm hot! i'm fucking red hot! the kid's flamin' like matt damon in the grande camens! i'll be there. o'kay lloyd cranston of 135 liberty lane, apartment 3c. lovely wife and kids. how old are they? nevermind. here's the situation, lloyd. me and a couple of friends of mine are fittin' to do some killin' here tonight. i'm talking bullets and blood, custom-wholesale slaughter. you following me, lloyd-o? good. now, i've run into a little snag. i need to figure out a tag line. you know, something cool to say when it's all over like"i'll be back," but mine, y'know? i need to own this one. i think this'll help me get through the quote, unquote event. i'm going to take your gag off and you and me are going to riff a little, o'kay? let's have fun with this. not riffing, lloyd! now, i need an "hasta la vista" line, toute fucking suite and you're gonna help me think of one! not cool enough. too sacrilegious. what are we at, a buffet, now? hang on, you might be onto something with the buffet thing, like with food, y'know? let's brainstorm on that idea for a minute. "who ordered the whup ass fajita!?" it's just. i couldn't think. i ding dong, motherfucker, diiiing dong!