black hair. paul michael glaser. right. the blond guy. dignan, it's -- he's not there. huggie bear isn't in every single episode. no. it's a real episode. the killer is leading him across the city by calling different pay phones. as part of his plan. i don't know why. the point is the killer always goes, may i speak to starsky? he says his name. he says. this is he. no. this is he. did you see what i meant about the window? that's true. but what if they change the locks? who knows? that's why i filed it down. now that window can never be locked. it's impossible. sure. you don't see many women who like tabasco. she's really kind of hot. future man. futute man. you know. cause he looks like he's from the future. it's got a v-8, dignan. did you ever steal a car bdfore? but dignan, do you really know that much about rare coins? i told you not to take the earrings. the list, dignan. i know you remember the list because you signed it. "things dignan was not supposed to touch." that doesn't make any difference. i bought those earrings for my mother on her birthday. they have a very special value for her. then you shouldn't of gone in there, dignan. maybe we should of robbed your house. did you ever think of that? what? where are you going? how was i ridiculing you? that's not what i meant, dignan. yeah, i saw it. dignan, it's got an alarm. that sets it off. it had an alarm. five, seven, eight dollars. eight dollars. what do herbs have to do with it? i don't understand the -- in your backyard? how do you protect them? hector woudn't do anything. could you grow cinnamon? you could make your own cinnamon toast. but he didn't say anything. let them fight. ok. break it up. break it up. ok. hang on. is it back in? his shoulder went out, man. it's over. just turn right here. there she is. bob, don't be so obvious. a ballpoiht pen? you think we're going to be chased? nothing. go ahead. no, dignan. it's not your gun. it's all of ours. dignan, calm down. dignan! stop! calm down. take a deep breath. nothing. we're just -- nothing much. the only nut with a gun is going to be dignan. i left my sweater inside. do you have a lost and found? i left my sweater in there. where's the manager? there's another stocker, right? sure. literature. the classics. is that the manager? rob? why aren't you in literature? holy shit. what about what that guy said? yeah. he said that. like he meant it. like he would find dignan. one day. see you, bob. what do you think? he was the driver, dignan. he did what he's supposed to do. don't even say it, man. what was that? what's going on? you're bleeding, man. sit down. tilt your head back. there's a million places to hide around here. i hope not. where you going? what's wrong? be quiet. why don't you just tell them the truth. those belong to my neighbor phil. nobody does. i don't like to use that credit card, dignan. because my mom gets the bill. i don't want to use it. i keep it for emergencies. here's mine right here. see? dignan, those aren't running shoes. look at the treads on those. they obviously weren't designed for racing. ok, dad. you've never had a pair of fast shoes in your life, dignan. in fifth grade dignan used to wear cowboy boots for p.e. don't call me spoiled, dignan. you want to say it, bob? i'll just say it. ok. go ahead. bob? look, man. she didn't know anything about shirts. it's a great shirt. don't worry about it. i know. but once you get inside you're home free. it's not a plan. it's just -- yeah, but you wouldn't have the truck if you blew it up. speed up, bob. he looked too shaken-up. dignan, i can't get my hair cut. that's just not possible, all right? no, dignan. i'm sorry. i can't do that. see you, bob. no, it's ok. come on in. it's hot out, isn't it? yeah. this is a nice little town. so, what, do you do all these rooms yourself? or what? i'm anthony. what's your name? inez? let me give you a hand with that. how do you say nineteen? right. yeah. yo soy dies y nueve. how old are you? are you ever scared of finding a dead body in one of these rooms? it could happen. this is the exact kind of place where it happens. but i don't want to scare you. people think because they're in a hotel they can act like a slob. it's bad manners. were you born in mexico? oh, really? that's interesting. do you prefer cuba or the united states? these towels are still warm. i guess from the dryer. i've never met anybody from cuba before. hi. i thought you guys went to get your hair cut. we're making banana daqueris. this is inez. carmen. anita. inez, this is -- sure. what. what's the matter? no. i didn't. dignan, they don't speak english. no. not really. inez speaks a little. on the left. she's from cuba. how long are they going to hold him? no, no. look. ok. let's stay here until we find out what's going on. and if future man doesn't get let out of jail in 48 hours, then we go back. all right? as long as he gets out ok. bob? is that ok? don't worry about it, bob. god, yes. like silk. inez starts to giggle. what? what? god. that does sound corny. oh, your skin feels so soft and silky. but it really kind of does. this was in fourth grade. after that my parents never let me go to dignan's again. but if it wasn't for dignan i probably would of died. where was it parked? maybe he just went to the store. he went back for his brother. that's a long time to be in jail. bob didn't steal the car. he told me he was going. he had to go help his brother. this morning. you were asleep. he told me because he wanted to know if i wanted to go. well, i didn't do it, did i? bob went to help his brother. i understand that and i can't help it if you don't. if you say so. i didn't realize you had such an incredible ability to feel sorry for yourself, dignan. you want to look at the map? see. here's where we are. we're going over to this bar if you feel like going. why don't you come with us. i can't believe he just jumped you. i wish i'd been there. man. i'm sorry. we just went for a walk -- we need a car. what? i don't think we can do that. what i'm saying is she wouldn't go for that. i don't know, dignan. i just -- shh. dignan. i can't do that. all right? i just can't. i'll see you later. i don't think we need any keys, dignan. i think i can hotwire a car for us. yes, i do. bob taught me. no, i'm serious. he made me a diagram. man, i don't know anything about cars. i think we better go home. i'm not. but there's -- our money situation is not good. we've got sixteen dollars. i know. i had to give some to inez. $383. she needed it. her name's inez. stop calling her the housekeeper. i know that. but -- shut up! stop! now listen to me. bob, where you going? why not? you've only been playing for two weeks, bob. it takes a long time to learn this game. yes. you just got to stick with it. no, i don't mind. well, i didn't mean to electrocute him. but the whole operation was my idea. it took six months of research. i did all the wiring myself. switched ac to dc. doubled the voltage. shorted out the generator. the whole school was shut down. i don't like that word prank, bob. i was trying to do something more than a prank. i wanted to create an event. something everyone would remember. and at first it worked perfectly. the whole school was standing around outside. kids running all over the place. everybody laughing. even the school custodian swifty thought it was great. he kept laughing and shaking his head the whole time he tried to disconnect the generator. and then suddenly total silence except for swifty hanging off the generator with his leg stuck to it being electrocuted. actually he died of a heart attack brought on by the shock. he was an older guy. i felt terrible. i'd known swifty since first grade. he was dignan's medicine man for indian guides. they called each other rattlesnake and killer whale. whenever dignan came to visit me he would act like he and swifty weren't that good of friends, but that was just to make me feel better. the whole rest of the school had turned against me. at first they were going to charge me with manslaughter. that's partly why i was in custody so long. sixty days. yeah. one minute you're studying great expectations and the next minute you're drawing the holy mary for some kid who tried to stab his girlfriend. prison tatoos. i got to be pretty good. it's not like drawing on paper. it's a panther. i thought he didn't have to pay anything because of the technicality. were you adopted, bob? well, because you guys don't look alike. was future man adopted? just walking hector. when'd you get back? who's in the car? sure. nice to meet you, applejack. yeah. you really hit a guy with a bottle? what is it? what's hinckley cold storage? who's mr. henry? uh-uh. uh-uh. what exactly is this place? freezers? abdul-shabazz? what time did he say to be here? what do you mean? you could give somebody a concussion. nice to meet you. thanks. it's hard to get much spin with this kind of paddle. thanks. nice shot. yeah, i'm in. grammar. you mean like techniques? i'd like to live in that place. hinckley cold storage. you mean a safecracker? what is that? an orchid? he seems pretty good. let's not even talk about it. yeah. let's keep it -- dignan. take it easy. yeah. dignan. look. let's just -- stop, dignan! he doesn't want to fight. no, diqnan. this isn't -- dignan, we're friends. take it easy. dignan. dignan. easy, dignan. it's ok. shit, dignan. i don't know, dignan. you went crazy. fine, thanks. eleven fifteen. i did. yeah. it's pretty good. so do i. i'm not really sure. i think it's irish. or maybe -- what do you mean what kind of person? he's a good person. i don't think you're giving him enough credit. i know sometimes he doesn't think an idea through. he gets too excited. but -- you're wrong about dignan. and you're wrong if you think, i'd turn my back on a friend. what do you mean? that was a test? it feels good. did dignan take the test? how'd he do? that sounds like dignan. me? i don't want to die. yeah. i mean, i don't think about it all the time. but once in awhile i kind of go, woah. man. death. no. bob did. are you afraid to die, mr. henry? give him a second. this is good. yeah. can i ask you something, mr. henry? why'd you want to help us? hopefully this trip'll go a little smoother than the last one. or i might end up with a broken nose. i'll try not to hold you back tomorrow. i don't want to be too much of a liability. i don't think i ever said this to you. but it meant a lot to me the way you were after that swifty stuff happened. he was a nice guy. do you like inez? yeah. as a girl. so do i. you ok, bob? nothing. i was just asking. sure. bird dog to scarecrow. bird dog to scarecrow. you're all clear. we all set? uh-huh? ok. roger. i'm in position, scarecrow. not at all. the place is totally deserted. i've got a great view up here. i can see all the -- i don't know. what are you doing? let me see it. did you drop it? it was bob. his walkie talkie's busted. it's going back down. two minutes. the front stairs. freeze! get against the wall! jesus, bob. applejack? are you ok? careful. check his pulse. it's the fire alarm. somebody pulled the fire alarm. i don't know. what for? what are you doing? what were you doing in there? wait for kumar. you're kidding. who's got the car keys? jesus, dignan. what the fuck happened to the the plan? come on. what? what are you talking about? there's not enough time. dignan, it's too late. like amnesia. i don't think so. i mean. actually, he robbed bob's house. yeah. i'm not kidding. pretty much everything. we haven't heard from applejack since he got out of the hospital. his case got dismissed. we're not sure. his health isn't very good, you know. they take that into account. mr. henry never gave you a test, did he? nothing. it belongs to bob's uncle. oh, i'd say about -- temporarily. behind bob's house. we're not sure yet. it's going to need some repairs. so how is it in there? what's he in for? you're kidding. how? dignan, i -- what? dignan, i -- scale the --