what color hair does he have? making hutch david soul? ok. that's wrong. plus where's huggie bear? i think you might of dreamed this one, anthony. why? see, that's what i'm saying. it has the logic of a dream. what does starsky say? this is he? kind of. except we've already got the keys. would they do that? see, your mind is very good with the more mechanical details. whereas my strength would be -- she's an attractive older woman. i don't know, bob. what about one of those? not even for emergencies? i thought your parents were in italy. so who's going to know? he looks like he was designed by scientists. for desert warfare. let's cut the bullshit. what do you think the cops have? what are you talking about, bob? you stole a trans-am. ok, bob. well. what do you want to do? you want to steal one or just drive your car? anthony, we'll get two hundred for the coin collection alone. that's less than what it's appraised at. i know about money, anthony. i know the value of money. plus the earrings are worth three times that. your ball. you got another ball. i'm playing your game. every valuable item in the house was on that list. yeah, but i can't be sorting through that shit in the middle of a burglary. there's just not time for it. i don't appreciate you ridiculing me. you're making fun of my family. you know there's nothing to steal from my mom and craig. you know exactly what you're saying. did you see that? i'm lookout. i don't think so. just reach on in. no, just do it real quick. i'll meet you down there. yeah, i heard that. holy shit. what'd i tell you? that's not bad. how much could you grow? realistically. six thousand dollars? come on, bob. if it's that easy why doesn't everybody grow them? you're paranoid, bob. are you named after the little richard? what was that all about? what did i say? hang on a second. little richard. wait a second. hang on. i didn't mean to -- anthony. i separated my shoulder. just pull straight up. anthony pulls up hard on dignan's arm. dignan tries not to yell, then suddenly he's ok and relieved. yeah. no. i'm not fighting anymore. the guy is fucking insane. you said it like it was a big joke, bob. like he's wild. i know that now. he's a fucking psycho. i do blame you, bob. and woah. look at her. loop around real fast. where'd she go? i think we might of scared her. you blew it, bob. ok. escape route. the most important thing you can have is an escape route. just in case somebody's tailing us. or even chasing us, as the case may be -- that's a good question. no. i don't. i'm just being hypocritical here. however, i will say -- hang on this is important, bob. anthony and i are responsible for the internal situation. the money and the people. you're responsible for the external situation. the streets and the getaway. that's your domain. now. one thing we need to discuss is timing. timing is absolutely crucial. what are you doing? anthony! bob. what's your fucking problem? you're a shithead! anthony, give me the fucking gun! god dammit. you two just don't give a shit, do you? you're out! i'm not working with either one of you! you're right. you're right. he's inside. just hanging around. what'd future man want? well, in reality it's not that dangerous, bob. it's only dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. you know, bob, anthony did kill someone. he electrocuted our janitor senior year. it was an accidental. i don't want to go into the details. it was just one of those senior pranks that didn't really go right. i mean, obviously, since swifty's dead. that's why anthony never graduated. yeah. one of the nicest old guys you'd ever know. you know, when somebody gets electrocuted, their skin starts smoking. at least swifty's did. i'm putting a piece of tape on my nose. let's get lucky. where's that guy going? well, i left some money in there. in the cash relister. step away from the door. where's the other stocker? we know there's another stocker. where is he? where is rob? you got that? unlock that door. check the aisles. open it up. ok. open the other. let's go. put it in one of those. a bigger one, you idiot. i'm sorry. but that bag's too small. ok, guys. just. sit tight. go. go. drive slow. shhh. slow down, bob. drive natural. that's good. keep it at forty. be cool, bob. be cool. make that light. we got it. we got it. don't count it. no. i was calm. oh, shit. that was scary. in the middle of the robbery. the manager looks at me. right in the eye. and goes, i'm going to remember you. i swear to god. in a very quiet voice. yeah. like i'm going to hunt you down and kill you. no. all he'll remember is a guy with a piece of tape on his nose. hang on, bob. that was really good driving. seriously. i mean it. we'll see you later, bob. good driving. what's wrong with him? anthony, he sat in the car and watched a 4-11 in progress. he got what he deserved. i didn't realize you were so sensitive to bob's feelings. considering i did the plans, you're actually lucky you got -- bob, will you please listen? look, i admit i was wrong for not telling you before the robbery that your share wouldn't be as equal as ours. but the fact remains me and anthony were much more exposed to danger. i mean, jesus christ, bob. you didn't have some vicious lunatic screaming, "i'm going to remember you!" bob, i've got nightmares. what? he was probably on drugs. how long do you have to go? and what does that cover? hand to hand combat? did you hear that? shhh. no, it was a rustling sound. no. shit no. see? i don't know what he's talking about. he probably went into the next yard. shine the light over here. those are. the prowler! that way! way to go, bob! so it's my fault? in all probability nothing would of happened. but why take the chance? that's why i ran. i mean how many plants were even back there? five? ten? obviously. that's why we go on the road. the thing about cops is they have short attention spans. can i get that credit card from you? why not? she's not going to notice, anthony. well, then cut it in half. anthony, we're on the run. this is an emergency. it's only fair that. see if mine are in there. yes, they are. what about them? well, those treads stink. you'd blow a knee out racing on those. really. ok, dad. but seriously, anthony. these are fast shoes. that's real cool, anthony. yeah, i wore boots. my parents wouldn't buy me any $200 running shoes like yours. i wasn't spoiled. you were spoiled rotten. i'll say it. on your marks. get set go. you owe me fifty bucks. bob wasn't even looking. what? yeah. i think so. no, i'm not saying her. i'm just saying, i don't know. armored trucks are very difficult to steal, anthony. right. get back to me on that one. once your plan is worth a shit. actually. if you knew the exact route, you could plant explosives under a manhole cover and blow it up as it went over. true. what the fuck is this? ram him, bob. hit him! shit, bob. what the fuck did you do that for? i don't know. i'm sure he did. we'll have to get new plates. what the fuck possessed you? i meant tap him. as a warning. then you're going to have to dye it, anthony. we've got to hide our identities. especially after bob crashed the car. even if it's the difference between some trooper recognizing us and throwing us in prison or not? well, bob, samson has decided that his hair is more important than our safety. my friend, that is a reckless decision! let's go, bob. bob. are you coming? you can go first, bob. what are you talking about? but it's not his. how can they arrest future man? those assholes. we got rapes. murders. violent crimes every second. and this is what they come up with. they're just fucking him because he's from a prominent family. i don't think they can make it stick, bob. i mean, what do they actually have on future man? that could be anybody's. since when is it a crime to have a scale in your house? everybody has a scale. so tell them the truth. what do you use it for? how long has he been in there? then how come they haven't set the bail yet? that's unconstitutional. what do you mean get back? bob, that makes no sense. this could be a trap. don't "come on, dignan" me. not in that car you're not. good luck, since i got the keys. i can't do that, bob. don't threaten me, bob. look, bob. i understand your loyalty. you're a good person. but right now you're not using your best judgement. future man would not want you to go to jail i promise you. just get in the car and we'll talk about it. future man would never go to jail for you, i'll tell you that. i know it's not. yes, i do. just get in the car, bob. ok, bob. i don't know his name. you know why? because i don't care. he's future man. but i care about you. and to me it doesn't make sense to go back to the scene of a crime. will you get in the car, bob? this is stupid. that's right. i only have one vote. we'll go talk with anthony and figure it out. you're going to ride in the back? come on, bob. get in front. you've got a beautiful walk, bob. hi. how's it going. no. we didn't. hi. jerry. and this is my associate cornelius. may i have a word with you, please? what the fuck is going on here? anthony, we're on the run from the law here. did you tell these people your real name? they don't? which one was that? no kidding. anthony. bad news. he needs to hire an attorney. now that makes sense. we'll hang out for a couple of days. get a little r&r. make sure future man's ok and then get back on the road. obviously. that's a given. see, now we've got a plan. no lifeguard on duty. swim at your own risk. you know, i did save anthony from drowning once, inez. tell her, anthony. see, one day we were playing hot box over at my next door neighbor mr. langston's house and anthony fell in the pool and got knocked unconscious. i had to dive in and save him. mr. langston performed cardiopulmonary recitation. cpr. i've never said this before, but frankly i thought anthony was dead. the veins in his face were all sticking out. his skin was blue. he truly did look dead. they blamed my family for everything. they always said mr. langston saved anthony's life. yes. it's true. son of a bitch. he's gone. he stole the car. right here. that coward. son of a bitch. he took his stuff. he's gone. i should of seen this. i should of expected it. bob doesn't have any character. we said 48 hours. we'll get him. don't worry about that. we'll go back. we'll find him. and we'll blow up his car. or do something. i promise you. i mean, let's face it. bob was dead weight. we're a lot better off without him. but who could expect it? just like that. steals the fucking car. what kind of person pulls that -- when'd he tell you? where was i? he told you and you let him do it. if you wanted to go? what were you going to do? just leave me here by myself? so when you were saying bob's at the store and acting real suprised, that was just an act. you were just -- i understand that if i had a few more friends like you and bob i'd be dead. if you'd gone with bob you'd probably be in weatherford by now. of course i'd be here frantically worrying thinking you must of got kidnapped. well, the world is a little bit colder today. i didn't know he had it in him. i guess you could say the child has become the father of the man. no. i'm going to swim. i'll see you later. no. i just have short hair. no, my friend knows her. sure. got a little lucky. i don't know. guess i'll get another tecate. what? no. just pool. fuck you. you a hoto. right. can you hand me those french fries. would of been nice. i don't really feel like talking about it. the only thing i feel like is getting the fuck out of this place. i have an idea for that. inez has a master key to all these rooms, doesn't she? doesn't she? i know we can. it's real simple. we go into a room, grab some car keys and -- she doesn't need to know. look. i'm ready to get the fuck out of here. it's real torture for me to be here. getting the shit kicked out of me by mexicans. no one to back me up. now i have a good idea. so unless you come up with something better -- then you better think of something. i feel great, inez. you don't know how to hotwire. bob taught you how to get electrocuted. what'd you say to inez? "i'll come back for you. i love you, inez." "i'm going to take you away from all this windexing and making beds." you really know how to pick them. don't panic, anthony. you can't just run home every time things get tough. first of all, we've got enough dough to -- you're so spoiled. what is "not good" to you? only a few hundred -- that's not correct. give it to me. sixteen dollars. where's the rest? how much? what! you gave $383 to the goddamn housekeeper! what the fuck is your problem? a $500 tip! for the housekeeper! that's what she is! you're in love with the fucking housekeeper! what are you going to do, get married? have a bunch of little idiot janitor brats! and go around scrubbing the -- there's a lot of valuable shit in there, applejack. the silver and the china. the crystal. and the grandfather clock. goddammit, i bet that clock's worth ten grand. just settling an old score. you might say revenge. we might have to take that chance. cause i feel pretty strongly about this. get down. wait a second. that's anthony. yeah. looks like he's staying with buckethead. that's what i figured. he's probably got his own room. let's see where he's going. don't get too close. stop. he saw us. wait. did he see us? speed up. anthony! wait up. where you going? ah. couple days ago. you want to shake hands. that's applejack. you want to meet him? this is applejack. applejack would of got him anyway. this was just the quicker war. pretty much. he kind of fell into me. but wait a second. i want you to look at this. it's big, anthony. real big. it's called hinckley cold storage. mr. henry has an inside source. we call him steve. that's where we get our information. you'll meet him this afternoon. he's helping us set it up. mr. henry pulled that job in 1965. it's famous. applejack was the wheel man. did you use this same car, applejack? right. freezers. imported foods. just a nickname. right now. let me feel that. ow. shit. mr. henry? it's locked. this is anthony adams, mr. henry. i don't know. are you in, anthony? what do you mean grammar? yes, i do. the grammar? oh, yeah. is he good? so what do you think of the plan, mr. kumar? we'd love to have you on the team. what do you think? not bad. not a whole lot, bob. yeah. it is. right. it was extremely stupid. i can't fucking believe this guy. an apology, bob? you said 48 hours! bob, you're lying! all right! backyard! right now! let's go, bob! bob! get out of the way. come on! all right. stop. no fighting. no fighting. it wasn't bob's fault. it wasn't your fault, bob. you had your brother. i'm sorry, bob. what the fuck are we doing out here? i'm sorry, bob. look. we want you on the job. bob. ok. man in blue jeans just left by southwest door. he is entering a white van. what time is it? ok. mark that down. god. isn't this great? working on the job. got a wheel man. got a safecracker. good friends with mr. henry. it's like we've finally arrived. what are you writing? well, this isn't really a party per se. true. ramedan. come on, bob. jesus christ. good. we're just going over a few things. yes. well, i think -- next week we'll be drinking pia coladas. did that hurt? this'll be a good trip. i don't think you will. look, you're going to do fine. it's ok to be scared. he was all right. as a person? yes. i do. jesus, bob. i'll take one of those, too, please. go ahead, bird dog. roger. hang on a second. ok. let's do it. let's get lucky, bird dog. yeah? yeah. we're in the elevator. how's it look back there? stand by. bird dog? take your second position. ok. six minutes. who? applejack? he's going to watch the back stairwell, remember? don't worry about it. bird dog? you in position? any activity? good. it's supposed to be. stand by, bird dog. jacknife. come in, jacknife. hello? bob? are you there? bob? what the fuck is going on? anthony? who's in the elevator? check the fucking elevator. it's moving. what's happening? what's going on? who's watching the door? what the fuck are you doing? get back in position. who did that? what the fuck is that? applejack! what's happening? bob! get back in position! don't move! get up against the wall! they're back! get down here! what are you doing here? time! what's the story? what can we do? ok. fuck it. let's go. fuck it. nobody move! what's wrong with applejack? let's go! help me move him. is he breathing? jesus christ. what the fuck is that? take him to the car, bob. who tripped the alarm? where's kumar? jesus christ, anthony. did you lose him? what? let's go. come on. come on, kumar. where's applejack? applejack's stuck in the elevator? run. run. let's go. i'll see you there. i'll see you there. i'll get him. yes, there is. let's get organized. i don't think so. i'm not going to do anything. i said to the da, that cop who hit me must of given me crs disease. that's just what the da asked. crs is a disease where you can't remember shit. can't remember shit. crs. tell mr. henry i said that. so is mr. henry going to come by and see me or anything? he did? you got to be kidding me. what'd he get? the grandfather clock? wow. sorry, bob. you think applejack knew? why? no. that's true. what do you mean? you're living on a sailboat? how big is it? where? does it float? what can i say? it's jail. you don't sleep when you want to. you don't eat when you want to. we don't have rooms, bob. we have cells. no. i have a cellmate. his name's carl. he stole a tractor. i don't really want to talk about it, bob. this sure beats the shit out of the shit they crap out in this joint. i might have to have another one of these. thanks for coming. hey. i think i may have found a way out of here. no. i'm not. shhh. wait for my instructions. when we go through the next gate you'll have 30 seconds to take out the tower guard. have the car running at the north- west checkpoint. bob and i'll -- scale the barricade and tunnel through no man's land. and bob. remember: shield me from the bullets. they won't shoot civilians. ready? here we go. now! So long.