anthony, dignan, and applejack are standing in front of a massive structure with ladders and towers and huge doors. applejack's car is parked behind them. there are trucks lined up along the loading docks. a big sign says hinckley cold storage.
dignan's hidden in some bushes, watching the hinckley cold storage building with binoculars. anthony's crouched beside him taking notes in a notebook.
anthony is positioned behind some bushes, across from the building. he's wearing a black parka. he looks through some binoculars. re pulls out his walkie talkie.
they go out the front door, across the parking lot. kumar's lagging behind.
dignan comes out the front door pulling applejack, semi- conscious, to the car. dignan loans applejack against the door. he checks applejack's pockets for the keys. he looks around on the ground.