dignan. good to see you. good to see you applejack. who are you? this is no good. this is no good, bringing him here. what are you thinking? what the shit, man? are you crazy? i'm pulling your leg. abe henry. this is my business manager, rowboat. that's a sharp jacket. it's called a racquet, anthony, and you're holding it wrong. that's ghetto play. hold it like this. you know, your form is for shit, but you've got a hell of a talent. is he in? ok, kid. let's go talk about cops and robbers. every once in a while some cat comes to me. he wants to know how i made it. how did i become a success? the first thing i tell them is: follow your instincts. let your instincts guide you. the second thing i tell them is, for christ's sake: you got to know your grammar. the basic grammatical rules of robbing. technique. that's right. seventy- five percent of your job is crowd control. seventy-five percent. do you believe that? on the other hand you got to have the right equipment. i don't care if you're harry houdini. you can't pick a lock without a hairpin. yeah. convert it into lofts. ok. pop quiz. what's the single most important aspect of your job? crowd control. crowd control. wake up, guys. you're going to need a boxman for this one. but that can be arranged. yeah. and i'll tell you who we're going to want: kumar banijamali. he's damn good. let me get this straight. you don't play golf and you don't play tennis. so why do you belong to a country club? you're a piece of work, bob. good to know you, john. the world needs dreamers, son. the world needs dreamers. to relieve the pain of consciousness. pleasure to meet you, john. i hope this doesn't offend you, bob. your brother is a cocksucker. look at that woman. she's what? fifty? fifty-five? but she hasn't let herself go. i appreciate an older woman who has a commitment to her body. tell me something. what the hell kind of name is dignan? i guess what i'm trying to say is what the hell kind of person is this dignan? sure, sure. he's a great person, and i'd call bullshit on anybody who said differently. but i wonder if the kid has the goods up here. as far as i can tell he hasn't thought his life through. he'd be fine cutting my grass or parking my car. but business? you i can work with. you i could groom. dignan's not going to make it. hold it. anthony. i want.to say one thing to you. congratulations. you passed the test. the abe henry double-cross test. you just made a perfect score. take a deep breath. how does that feel? yes, he did. well, he agreed 100% that bob should be dropped. and he also agreed you were a liability. but he felt his talent would make up for your weaknesses. woah. there he is. applejack! what it is. i love it. he always wants to know if the car's ok. get a hot dog. super k. kumar. come here. i'll tell you, anthony. times like this i get philosophical. what does it mean? what's it all about? are you afraid to die? no, that door over there. are you afraid? exactly. woah. the fear of death, the pain of consciousness. did you mix this martini? bob. bob. that's a palindrome. i love palindromes. anthony, i'm petrified. join the party, fellas. i'll tell you something, dignan. it is possible to overplan. you don't want to turn the crew into robots. right? you got to have fun with it. there's no point if you're not having any fun. would you like me to be there tomorrow? why? no, if i go out on this job, then it's just another score by mr. henry. and i don't see it like that. this is your job. your creation. i want you to try this. i want to ask a favor, boys. one day, when i'm long gone and all but forgotten, make one last toast to abe henry. and remember me as a friend. well, that's just it, anthony. a lot of criminals have problems. some of them are alcoholics. some have drug problems. others dome from broken homes. i see a real need for healing. but you're thieves. it's what you are. it's an esoteric journey. we're renegades from despair. absolutely. because i was like you once. and there was no one there to help me. you know, rowboat. people who smoke cigarettes die. people who smoke cigars just keep on going. sit.