where's the fucking money?
all part of the business.
violet, you home?
what's this?
what the fuck is this?
what the fuck is going on?
oh, shit .
i'm sorry, christ, i thought .  it's fucking dark in here.
oh, right, right. don mentioned that to me. hi, welcome to the family.
you're helping rajeev?
no shit. bianchinni hired you? you know he's a good friend of mine. |family, really.
so, you just got out?
what? it ain't no big fuckin' deal. i know who don hires. did you know he did time himself?
thirteen fucking years. see, there ain't no secrets here.
how many'd you do?
not bad. what for?
you're right. you don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. i just hope you understand you're among good people here.
come on, come on. if you understand what i'm talking about you're going to take the money. if you don't, i'm going to have to worry about you.
good. i hate to worry. i got ulcers.
what? how about a drink?
another time.
whoa, whoa. come on, he's making too much noise.
here, put this in his mouth.
what? oh, come on, i didn't use one of the good towels.
why? 'cause you know him?
you women are so fucking sensitive.
but i don't want you to go. i like you here. you know this isn't easy for me, either.
now why don't you go watch some tv or something?
mickey, why is johnnie here? you know how i feel about that fucking psycho.
sure, mickey. sure.
aw .  christ.
don't worry. it ain't mine.
it was unbelievable! un-fucking- believable!
goddammit, look at this shirt! it's ruined!
it started when shelly took us to the money. i tell you, mickey malnato knows his shit, he does. shelly takes us right there.
so shelly's down on his knees and he's pulling out this bag of money from a safe in the floor and i'm staring at it like "holy fuck!" i mean, look at it --
and all i can think is how the fuck did he do this when - bang! johnnie caps him. blood sprays everywhere, all over the money. we've no idea if this is even all of it.
and right then i go through the roof and - boom! i belt the dumb fuck as hard as i can. i didn't care whose son he was, i just wanted to hit him again. knock some sense into that dumb son of a bitch.
just look at this mess i got to deal with.
i told them to run it through the cycles. but i guess gino has plans for it because he's coming here tomorrow night to pick this shit up.
where the hell's the laundry detergent?
un-fucking-believable, what this guy did. shelly is one smart-ass mothefucker, i mean, he was one smart- ass motherfucker.
you look good enough to eat.
what happened?!
v! what the fuck was it?! violet?
v, what? you can't hear me?
oh, fucking christ .  you gotta be kidding me!
fuck! fuck! how did you .  awwww goddammit!
there's no time.
what are you talking about?
what are you, drunk?
no! they're still on their way.
it couldn't have been.
it's impossible!
but gino's plane doesn't get in for another half-hour.
no no no no .
 i've been set up.
that fuck! that rat-fuck! little shit rat-fuck!
jesus christ, violet! open your fucking eyes! johnnie hates me like i hate him!
i hate that little fuck! i hate him! i hate him! i should've done him!
so what?! so fucking what? use your head, violet. the money is gone. gino is coming here to get it. you think he's going to believe me if i tell him his piss-hole son stole it! is that what you think? i don't. you know what i think? i think i'm a dead man. i'm one in the brain. that's what i think!
i know what he wants me to do. he wants me out of here. he wants me to run.
if i run, then everyone will think i took the money and he walks away with two million clean.
god, i can see him right now driving to get gino. i can hear him laughing, fucking laughing, laughing at me.
laughing at me! laughing at me!
don't touch me!
just leave me alone! i got to think!
got to think this through .
violet, please!
goddammit, violet! would you just leave me the fuck alone! please! leave! now!
i got it! i know what i got to do! i got to get the money.
no. johnnie's got it. all i got to do is get it back.
he didn't have that much time. he had to pick up gino. i bet you he's got it with him. i bet it's in the car.
he didn't see you, did he?
see, right now he doesn't know that i know, that's why he put the paper in the case. he wants me to hand the case to gino. then there is no doubt it was me. gino will put a bullet in me himself. but it ain't going to happen. i won't let it! johnnie ain't going to fuck me! not like this! no way!
what are you doing?
you can't leave.
i need you .
violet, i won't let you leave.
if you're not with me, violet, then i have to assume you're against me.
maybe it is, maybe it isn't. maybe you dropped the scotch by accident. maybe you didn't.
it would have been so easy to let him in as you went out.
i've seen the way he looks at you. he's always wanted you. maybe two million dollars finally bought you.
i'm sorry, violet, but it has to be this way.
i hope you understand. i want to trust you, i want to believe you, but i don't have any other choice.
you sure you don't want a drink?
you want to get into this now?
glenlivet, right, gino?
yeah, i know.
two point one seventy-six.
what's that, johnnie?
where is this going, johnnie?
admit what?
all right, johnnie, you want to play it this way, i can play it this way. you want to know who made a mistake, why don't you open the case.
shut up, violet! this is between me and johnnie.
you want to do this now, let's do it. open the case. open the fucking case.
that's right, i know. i fucking know.
open the case!
you don't need a key.
the same way you did before.
there you go, johnnie.
get me another.
don't! don't fucking move!
ask johnnie! ask your rat-fuck son!
you don't think i'll do it, do you?
where is it?
the money!
sit down!
gino, your son stole this money to set me up and i can prove it. violet!
tell them! tell them!
the next one blows off your dick.
where is it?
no, gino!
sit down, gino!
stay away!
i can't. i can't.
i had to do it, violet. you saw it. i had no choice. it was johnnie. that lying fuck. he made me do it.
you lying rat-fuck. you think you can set me up? is that what you think? you stupid fuck.
i'm a dead man? i'm a dead man? guess again, fuck-face. who's dead? who's the dead lying rat-fuck? take another guess, take another fucking guess!
 maybe three hours.
what do you think we're going to do? we have to find the money.
once we have the money, then none of this ever happened.
no i didn't. not if his body disappears and not if the money is still here. then they never showed up.
i don't know. we may never know, but i'm going to guess it was a job, maybe the karpoli family.
all part of the business.
we just got to find the money. once we do, everything is going to be all right.
they're just cops. stall them as long as you can.
answer it!
get me a wet towel.
if you're thinking about doing something stupid, remember i just killed gino marzzone. you understand what that means?
hey, hey, chicago's finest.
how's it going tonight, fellas?
huh? i'm sorry, i can only hear in this ear.
i'm caesar and this here is my violet.
violet said something about gunshots?
the television?
honey, why didn't you say something? turn it off.
fuck, this happened before. it's this shitty ear. born with it. the batteries wore out in my aid. i'm sorry.
hey, can i get you guys a beer?
oh, right.
yeah, why not? it's right there.
i'm going to make myself a drink, if that's okay?
good idea.
let's go.
fuck! fuck! fuck!
get in.
get in! it's got to be at his house. that's the only other place it could be.
violet! now!
okay, i come in .
i've got the money .
i can't wait to see the look on caesar's face when he finds out.
now i don't have much time .
got to put it someplace safe .
 put it .
 got it .
where did i put it?
where's my fucking money?! fucking cocksuckers! where the fuck is it?!
where, then?
we're going to need some time.
hey, mickey.
mick, i know it's late, but there is a problem. they haven't shown up yet.
no. i don't know where they are. i even called over at johnnie's, but no answer.
okay, sure, mick.
yeah, mick. i've got the money. i'm staring right at it.
i can use johnnie's car, dump it in lake michigan .  i need plastic bags .  tape and rope .
who was that?
who the fuck was that?
was that mickey? did you call mickey? did you?!
mickey? is that you?
who is that? who is over there?! tell me!
drop the fucking gun or die!
drop it!
turn around.
you!? holy fucking christ! you gotta be kidding me!
wake up!
i know everything now so i don't want to hear any "i don't know" bullshit, you understand?
god, i should have seen this coming! the second i met you, i knew it. everyone knows your kind can't be trusted! fucking queers make me sick.
but you tried to fuck the wrong guy. and i swear to you that i'm going to kill you for it.
where is the money?
shut up, violet!
now, where the fuck is my money?
where is it?
stupid cunt!
don't try to tell me what to do.
shut up, violet.
shut the fuck up!
what did you do to her?! this isn't my violet!
what did she do to you?
you ungrateful bitch! you had nothing before i met you. you were nothing!
who gave you this place? this apartment?
who gave us all of this? i did! i gave you everything! i gave you this life! i made you, violet. i saved you.
i saved you.
you betrayed me!
i had to. you made me.
shut up!
okay, you want business, i'll give you the fucking business.
i'm going to make you beg just like shelly did. just like shelly!
oh, no no no.
hey, violet, you remember these?
i'm going to start with her so you'll get a good idea what's coming.
i'm going to ask you where the money is. every time you don't give me an answer, i'm going to cut off one finger.
when i reach ten, then i'll start with you.
where is the money?
i said where --
i promised i would kill you.
you're going to wish to god you hadn't done that.
son of a bitch .
mickey will get in. i know he will.
violet. i can kill you right now if that's what you want. if you want to live, then you have to help me. i need you to make mickey believe that everything is normal.
tell me, do you want to live?
good girl.
jesus christ!
holy fuck, mickey! you scared the shit outta me.
what is this? what are you two doing, sneaking in here with your peckers in your hands? you gonna do me, mick? is that it?
i thought i heard someone knocking.
yeah, it was violet's idea. i was so wound up about gino, she was trying to help me relax.
shit, mick, come on in, let me get you a drink. sit down, lou.
me? why?
oh christ, the phone .  that was a fucking stupid thing to do, wasn't it?
actually, yeah, she was nervous about gino coming, wanted everything to look right. you know women, mick.
yeah, that's it.
the key, yeah, the key's in my pants in the bathroom.
holy shit, i don't believe it! we've been going crazy over here, gino!
it's gino! it's gino!
they were in a car accident.
they're all fine. just bruises and shit.
ssh! i can't hear gino!
i'm listening.
yes, i understand.
sure, gino, sure.
st. mary's off the kennedy, sure. okay, gino.
they're at st. mary's in the waiting room.
sure, mickey, sure. violet!
go grab my car keys from my pants in the bathroom.
please, help us out, mickey wants to get going.
oh yeah. violet!
call me as soon as you get him.
now that's teamwork.
you know he would have done you, too.
i said i'd let you live and i will.
time to find out if the dyke was stupid enough to lie.
goddammit, violet! stop! now!
oh, you bitch. you fucking bitch.
all these years and you still don't know me, violet.
but i know you.
what are you going to do, v? shoot me? kill me in cold blood? i don't think so. i'll tell you why. if you had it in you to pull that trigger, you would have done it a long time ago. if i was you, i would have killed me the minute i brought the money home. but you didn't and i know why, because you don't want to kill me. do you, v? do you? no, i know you don't.