you planned this whole thing, didn't you? what choice? thanks again for this opportunity, mr. bianchinni. goodbye. yeah, sure. i'm corky. sure. come on in. give me a minute. who? oh, he went home to india, but as far as i know he'll be back. pretty much. one day at a time. good guess. mmmm . thanks, i needed this. a favor? oh, i'm sorry -- are they really? no, no trouble. there's other work to do. yeah. truck. '63 chevy. i don't, really. i was referred to him. do you know him? caesar is your husband? thanks. five years, two months, sixteen days. how you doing, sue? thanks. yeah. some plumbing, painting and shit. not for me, sue. i'm straight and narrow. i'm just here to get laid or drunk and hopefully both. thanks for the beer. hi. you know . that outfit would look great on my bedroom floor. nothing . yet. i don't think so. when you get tired of cagney and lacey, come find me. hello? oh, hi, mr. bianchinni . yes, everything is going fine. i got the tub drain all cleaned out. what apartment? all right, all right, i guess i could take a look. yeah, you're welcome, goodbye. not exactly. he said you lost something. i told bianchinni i would take a look. is it that sink? do you have a pot or a bucket? no. mr. bianchinni asked me to do it. i did it. okay, one drink. a beer? no. curious, maybe. maybe. what are you doing? why? you planned this whole thing? you dropped that earring down the drain on purpose, didn't you? no. no. rajeev's in india. that's what violet said. five. i should be going. my brushes, i have to clean my brushes. thanks, though. sure. what are you doing? what am i doing? i'm fucking up, that's what i'm doing. look, i don't think this is a good idea. don't apologize, please. i can't stand women who apologize for wanting sex. i can see again. tell me about it. caesar's mafia, isn't he? no. how did you meet him? he's a launderer? how long have you been with him? five years is a long time. the redistribution of wealth. isn't that what you wanted to know? what i did time for? that's what i tell someone when i'm trying to get them in my bed. my cellmate would say she did her time for getting caught. she was always more honest than me. i started stealing when i was little. we were piss-poor, which is not an excuse, just a fact. the first time i remember so vividly. a bunch of us kids were at waxman's drugstore, when mr. waxman, who was a mean old prick, always worrying about us robbing him, dropped a roll of quarters. i can still hear that sound, those quarters, because right then something clicked inside of me. some instinct took over and as everyone, including waxman, dove down, i reached up and emptied the cash register. i gave most of the money to my mom. i told her i found it at the trainyard. she was so happy she cried, calling me her lucky charm. fifteen years later, i guess my luck ran out. sometimes i tell myself that i didn't have a choice, that stealing was surviving. usually i can admit that's bullshit. i did it because it was a way out. it was easy and i was good at it, real good. i don't usually talk this much. i guess i have been rehabilitated. i guess i wanted to. so am i. nothing. shit, here we go. if there is one thing i can't stand about sleeping with women, it's all the fucking mind reading. i'm not afraid of anything. i know! you can't understand, because we're different, violet. we're different. how can you sit in that bed and say that? let me guess. this is where you tell me that what matters is on the inside. that inside you, there is a little dyke just like me? is that what her daddy tells her? what are you saying? that you don't have sex with men? for christ's sake, violet! i heard you! thin walls, remember? what the fuck was it? what was it then? what about that guy this morning? don't tell me, you're a workaholic. i suppose he just wants to watch. i think so, too. shit. violet? are you all right? come on. let's go. excuse me. draft beer and a tnt. even though he knew about you? he was in love with you, right? sounds like he wanted to get caught. mickey? for what? what choice? not here. how much money? wait a minute. wait a minute. do you have any idea what you are saying? you are asking me to help you fuck the mob. these people are serious, violet. if you want to know how serious, ask shelly. they're worse than any cop because they have lots of money and no rules. you fuck them, you've got to do it right. i am, but . all right, let's say for the moment that i believe everything you are saying. i didn't say that, but since you did, let's say that you are. it would have been easy to set shelly up. you could have got him killed knowing that caesar would bring the money to the apartment. all you would need to keep yourself clean would be someone unconnected, someone like me. i'm just making a point. you have no idea what you're asking. how much trust two people need to do something like this. for me, stealing is a lot like sex. two people that want the same thing sit in a room and they talk, they start to plan and it's like flirting, a kind of foreplay, because the more they talk about it, the wetter they get. the difference is, i can have sex with someone i just met, someone i hardly know, but to steal i need to know someone like i know myself. i think . we're going to find out. but first, i want to see this money. come to my place in the morning. early, okay? no. you said he washed the money? then what? exactly. what? did he sleep? what sound? and where is it now? does the case lock? good. all right, now, tell me about johnnie. it sounded like he and caesar don't like each other. why? who is gino? marzzone? as in angelo marzzone, head of the marzzone family? shit. gino marzzone is coming tonight to pick up the money? and johnnie is his son, that's johnnie marzzone? sweet jesus. it's perfect. gino marzzone is coming to your apartment. it's a big deal, isn't it? that means caesar will be ready. he doesn't want to look like an idiot. gino has been there before? what happened? does johnnie hit on you? has caesar ever seen him? it's getting better and better. keep going. what did gino drink? all right . i have an idea to make this work. you'll go back and get ready, take your time, make it real. the more attractive you are, the more believable it will be. what time did you say they would be there? any bodyguards? fine. at some point caesar is going to quit. i'd guess sometime around six, making sure he's got time to get ready. as soon as he is done, you'll be right there to put a big drink in his hand. we want him to come down, to relax, feel in control again. waiting in the apartment next door. for the shower. that will be our signal. when he's done with his shower, you will go to the bar. you'll get out the scotch that gino drinks. and as you do, the bottle will slip from your hands. -- and shatter against the hardwood floor. an accident. when you open the door, i'll be there. he won't. trust me, violet. if he does . then i won't have a choice, will i? when i'm inside, i will get the money. i'm going to need something . to fill the case. yeah, you should hide it near the desk before you leave. at that point -- there is no going back. the same way i'll know that you went to scotch. trust. not caesar. because of what you are going to tell him. you have to make it as real as you can. the moment you open the door with the scotch in your hand, you will be covered, and that moment is the most important moment in the plan. if it's real enough, he'll believe it, because deep down he'll want to. if caesar hates johnnie like you say, then the second he opens the case he'll know, in his gut, that johnnie just fucked him. he'll realize that he has no choice. he can't touch gino or johnnie. there's only one way out. he'll have to run. you'll be clean and we'll be rich. thank you. every job like this has moments where things don't go so well and everyone starts thinking about their own ass. it's in those moments that everything comes together or falls apart. i had a partner and she fucked me. i think we're going to find out. what happened? that's okay, as long as he believes it was johnnie. it's all right, violet. it's working. all we got to do is wait him out and see what he does. that means he probably will kill johnnie. listen, if he doesn't run, all you have to do is break down, go to your bedroom and pack some things, start crying, saying you love him but you can't do it. you're sorry but you have to leave and just walk out. we're almost there, violet. just hang on. this is an emergency! shit. two million dollars, cork . two million dollars . i'm still here. you don't quit on me, violet, and i won't quit on you. i know, violet. i know. it's why i'm still here. lick me. either pull the trigger or get that thing out of my face. don't be sorry. help me. no. no! i'll tell you! it's over there in the empty apartment. i put it inside one of the paint drums. you can't kill me yet. i could be lying. hey. how'd it go? i guess we should get out of here. thought we might need a getaway car. you know what the difference is between us, violet? me neither.