hey, caesar! you take care of this girl, or i find out! no, johnnie. no goddamned phones. not now. caesar, come here. sit. we talk now. you too, johnnie. caesar, look at me. johnnie tell me what happened. caesar, you gotta do me a favor, a personal favor. for me, eh? you gotta start respecting johnnie the way you respect me. you understand? good. and you, johnnie. you gonna stop acting stupid. you gotta earn this respect that caesar's gonna give. you understand? good. done. now, where's my money? we know how this was done, eh? it won't happen again, eh? good. done. we go now. caesar! hey, johnnie . johnnie, what did i say? caesar? what is this? caesar! enough! you aim a gun at me?! do you know who i am?! i am gino marzzone. you understand? no, caesar, gimme the gun. we're family, caesar. gimme the gun. give it to me. good man.