in slow motion, caesar drops the shower plunger and water chokes from the faucet. caesar is working intensely on his fingernails. we glide over a set of gleaming metal manicure tools. we see his hand as he delicately applies a coat of clear polish to a nail. stuffing a towel into the sink, she turns on the water. she does not even look at the shower curtain. there is a bulge in the shower curtain where we imagine johnnie's arm is hanging. violet's hands are untied. she pulls off the gag and the ropes at her feet. violet watches through a sliver of open door, her mind already working. violet stands and goes to the shower curtain. she reaches in and turns off the water. steadying herself, she pulls back the curtain, exposing the wet, bloody bodies. violet has pulled up johnnie's body and is digging through his coat pockets, searching for something. violet has johnnie's cellular phone. violet has her robe over her dress, wrapping her hair in a towel, making sure the bruise on her forehead is hidden.