i had this image of you, inside of me, like a part of me. we make our own choices, we pay our own prices. all part of the business. i want out. like a part of me. hi. my name is violet. we sort of met in the elevator -- i heard you working in here and i just wondered if you'd like a cup of coffee? what happened to rajeev? rajeev, the man who usually works on the building. so this is temporary for you? i guessed you were straight black. my pleasure . but to be honest, i did have a slightly ulterior motive here. i was wondering if i could ask a small favor? yeah, see, i'm kind of a night person, so i was wondering if it wasn't a terrible inconvenience if you could wait a bit before using power tools. no, it isn't your fault. the walls here are just so thin. yes, it really causes problems. sometimes it's like you're in the same room. but if it's too much trouble, i understand . you're doing everything yourself? that is so amazing. i'm in awe of people who can fix things. my dad was like that. we never had anything new. whenever something broke he would open it up, tinker with it and it would work. his hands were magic. yeah . i bet your car is twenty years old. truck. of course. i knew it. so, how do you know the owner, mr. bianchinni? oh, really. no, but caesar does. he likes him. says he's a good italian. oh no, no. i'm not the marrying kind. i should be going. you can drop the cup off anytime. my pleasure. oh no. shit. i didn't know he would call you. god, you must think |i'm a total nuisance. i'm sorry, i usually would call rajeev, but i didn't know what to do so i called mr. bianchinni. yeah, come on in. i was doing some dishes and just as i pulled the stopper my earring fell in. it's one of my favorites. that's why i got upset. i know it probably seems ridiculous to you. i'm sorry, look, forget it. i shouldn't have called. sure. did you find it? i can't believe it! you did it! thank you so much. you have to let me pay you something -- if you won't take money, how about a drink? it's getting late. you can't work all night. what do you want? a beer. of course. sit down. thanks again. you seem uncomfortable. do i make you nervous, corky? thirsty, maybe. curious? that's funny, i'm feeling a bit curious myself right now. that's a great tattoo. beautiful labrys. are you surprised that i know what it is? i have a tattoo, would you like to see it? a woman in upstate new york did it for me. here. do you like it? it took her all day to do it. she promised me it wouldn't hurt, but it was sore for a long time after. i couldn't even touch it. but now i love the way it feels. here, touch it. isn't it obvious? i'm trying to seduce you. because i want to. i've wanted to since i first saw you in the elevator. you don't believe me. but i can prove it to you. you can't believe me because of what you see . but you can believe what you feel. you see . i've been thinking about you all day. if i say yes, will you take your hand away? yes. please, corky . please . kiss me. yeah. in here, c. i didn't expect -- caesar, this is corky. corky, caesar. she is working for bianchinni. she's doing the work herself. jesus, caesar! that's none of your goddamn business, caesar. i had to see you. i wanted to apologize. i'm not apologizing for what i did -- i'm apologizing for what i didn't do. do you have a bed somewhere? i needed that. you have to ask? funny, nobody calls it that anymore. caesar calls it "the |business." they took over a club i was working at. caesar started managing it. basically. almost five years. yes, it is. what? the redistribution of wealth? i'm already in your bed. you didn't have to tell me if you didn't want to. i'm glad you did. what do you want, shelly? i had this image of you, inside of me . like a part of me . you are so beautiful. what's wrong? yes there is. i felt it this morning when i brought you the coffee. you didn't want to see me, did you? what are you afraid of? i don't understand - ? we're not that different, corky. because it's the truth. oh no, she's nothing like you. she's a lot smarter than you. i know what i am. i don't need to have it tattooed on my shoulder. i don't. what you heard wasn't sex. all my life, everyone has been telling me that when i have sex, i'm not really having sex. not real sex. but they're wrong. i know what is and isn't sex and what you heard was definitely not sex. work. you made certain choices in your life that you paid for. you said you made them because you were good at something and it was easy. do you think you're the only one that's good at something? we make our own choices and we pay our own prices. i think we're more alike than you want to admit. you mean shelly? no. shelly knows what i am. he saw me in a bar with another woman. fuck it! i think you better leave. try not to steal anything on the way out. caesar, i'm leaving. caesar, i'm serious. this is too much. i have to get out of here. caesar wants me to stay. thanks, mickey. shelly was skimming from the business. he came to see me yesterday because he was afraid caesar figured it out. he wanted to run but he wanted me to come with him. yes. that's what he told himself. but it wasn't even about me, it was about caesar. he wanted what caesar had. that's how they are. i understand them. for shelly, taking the money was a way to take from caesar. he could have run at any time, but he didn't because he didn't want out. maybe he did. he would brag to me all the time. he was never afraid of caesar because he didn't know him. not like i do. caesar lives for these moments. he tells me it's just the business, but i know it's more than that. he likes it. the violence. i'll catch him in the bathroom mirror touching his scars. he says they remind him who he his. they're all like that. except maybe mickey. he's the part of the business that the rest of them pretend to be. |but mickey doesn't like it like they do. i suppose that's why he's good at it. i used to be able to block it out. i would tell myself that i wasn't really there so nothing really mattered. but i can't do it anymore. i've been making the same mistake shelly made. but now i know what |i want. i want out. i want a new life. i see what i've been waiting for, but i need you, corky. you made a choice once. do you think you would make that same choice again? if those quarters fell to the floor, would you still reach up to that cash register? caesar is going to get the money and bring -- shelly said it was over two million dollars. caesar will bring it to the apartment to count and go through |shelly's books to figure out how he did it. that's why i need your help. you said you were good. you think i'm lying? is that what you think? do you think you know me like that? oh my god . caesar, what happened? what are you going to do with it? ummm . in the linen closet. you're having second thoughts. yeah. he hung it up. to let it dry. it was unreal . hundreds, paper-clipped everywhere like leaves. then one by one, he ironed all of it. no. but neither did i. all night long i listened to that sound. the sound of money. in his office. i saw it this morning. i need to go to the store. it's in a case, on his desk. yes. johnnie? like each other? they hate each other. it started way before i was around. i think basically it's because he thinks johnnie is a complete idiot. but johnnie runs chicago because gino is his father. gino marzzone. that's his brother. yeah. yeah. yeah, twice. not much, really. caesar was nervous, kept cleaning the apartment. |the first time, he picked out the dress he wanted me to wear. johnnie hits on anything in high heels. he does it right in front of him. gino doesn't know english, or at least he pretends he doesn't, so he doesn't talk much. he gets right to the point. both times they talked for about five minutes, had one drink and then they left. scotch, glenlivet. i remember that caesar made a huge deal about it. the plane is in at seven, so i'd say about eight. gino travels with a big man named roy. caesar calls him the driver. poor boy, has to work so hard. where will you be? waiting for what? shit! oh shit! caesar, it slipped . i was trying to get ready . i'm sorry. it was an accident. don't worry, i'll get some more. don't be silly, caesar. it'll take five minutes. i'll clean this up and be back before you're even dressed. what if he sees you? you can't know for certain that he won't see you. i'm just asking, what if? when i get the scotch, how do i know you won't take off? i still don't see how i'm going to get clean with the money in the apartment. everyone will think i did it. why? c! shit, i'm sorry! they were early. they just left, didn't they? you mean they weren't up here? that doesn't make any sense. because i just saw johnnie downstairs. i was getting out of the car when i saw him in the mercedes. it was him. i'm positive. caesar, i know johnnie. it was him. i screamed when i saw him. i couldn't believe i missed them. i knew you were going to be upset so i thought i'd apologize and give gino the scotch. i honked a couple of times but he didn't stop. actually, i didn't see gino in the car. if he runs, everyone will assume he took the money. jesus, that's beautiful. if you're this goddamn smart, how did you ever get caught? i won't. caesar? oh god . johnnie? why? why would johnnie do this? but you know he did it. caesar, what are we going to do? caesar, maybe we should run -- i mean it, caesar, forget johnnie, forget the money, let's just go now, before it's too late -- all right, caesar. it's me. he totally freaked. i've never seen him like this. he's out of his fucking mind. believes it! jesus, it's driving him crazy. he wants to kill him. i don't know, corky, i don't know what he is going to do. i'm getting nervous, really nervous. what if he doesn't run? oh, christ, i got to get out of here! okay, all right. he's coming . the money? the money's gone. but it could be anywhere. no. this is insane! i'm leaving! this is crazy! i don't want to be involved. i don't want anything to do with this shit! the hell i can't! bullshit! you don't need me! you've never needed me! i can't help you! understand?! i have to get out. caesar, this is crazy. you don't, you can't believe that i'm not drinking. no, i'll have a tanqueray and tonic. caesar . for christ's sake, johnnie, do what he says. what are you doing? caesar, what are you going to do? what? caesar, you just killed gino marzzone. what happened to them? oh, no. caesar, what are we going to do? hello? the police? gunfire? is this a joke? how do i know you are cops? all right. they're just cops. i'm sorry, it's just you hear stories. thank you. caesar, someone could see us out here. c? c? it's not here, caesar. i don't know. it could be anywhere. we don't even know if he was alone. please, caesar, we don't have much time. let's get out of here. what are you doing? who are you going to call? caesar? oh, god. i'll start packing. you know what you have to do. just hurry. please, corky . oh, thank god. i was so afraid you . corky, it worked! he's going to run. he needs to take care of the bodies to buy himself time, but as soon as he leaves, it's over. just a little longer and it's ours. corky, i have to tell you something run! just run! don't tell him -- he can't kill you -- not until he has the money! caesar, stop acting like an asshole and think -- you need the money just like we do. let us go and we'll make a deal. everything you couldn't. ha! what a load of crap. look at yourself, caesar. you're a thug. |you launder money for the mob. you rent women like you rented this apartment. saved me? you don't even know me. you used me, caesar, just like i used you. all part of the business. you murdered gino! bullshit, you killed him. not me. you did it because you couldn't stand the thought of johnnie fucking you. i'm sorry, corky . hello, caesar. this is gino. you're blowing your only chance. act like i'm gino. good boy. we were in a car accident -- but everybody is all right. now you listen to me, asshole, i know your gun is behind the bar . we make a deal or i come out and hand this phone to mickey. i want what's mine, half the money. we get rid of mickey, no one else dies. no one. say yes, i understand. tell them i'm at st. mary's off the kennedy, in the waiting room, but stay on the phone until i come out. mickey? what are you doing here? oh my god. was anyone hurt? i should have let him kill you. i knew i couldn't trust you. come on. come on, please. mickey! oh god, mickey! he made me help him, mickey, god, i was so afraid. it was caesar, all caesar. you have to help me. he's coming - oh god! corky? corky! stop! it's over, caesar. i called mickey. he's on his way. get out of here, caesar. if you want to live you had better start running. caesar, don't. caesar, you don't know shit. i will never understand it, mickey. you didn't even call the police. i know you will. thanks, mickey, but i need to get out, you know? get away from all of this. but thanks. thanks for everything. hey. i'm here, aren't i? no.