milo boyd. i shoulda known. yeah. i know this asshole. guy used to be one of us. look, milo, i know this is a tough time of year for you. and i try to be sensitive to your situation. because i realize you're unhappy. that sign is pretty hard to see. ok, i got one for ya: why doesn't santa have any children? cause he only comes once a year and when he does, it's down a chimney. so. have you talked to her lately? katie couric, motherfucker, who do you think? well, for one thing, so you can stop taking out your rage on innocent bystanders. do what you want. but this kind of shit will eat a hole in your intestines, you don't deal with it. hey, why don't you come by the precinct tomorrow for our xmas bash? fuck that, i'm inviting you. that's what i'm worried about. just. take it easy, ok? milo! merry xmas! here's one: why did the snowman pull down his pants? cause he heard the snowblower was coming! anything. ok, so some guy you're looking for has disappeared. you want me to put out an all-points on him? whoa, whoa, whoa. you're with cassidy? shit, milo, you know when you're around her your brain turns to mush. you get a plate number? ok. lemme look into it. see what i can find. just hold tight, ok? milo, don't fuck around with this. if there are dirty cops in the house, we all have a problem. so do me a favor: get off the strip, find somewhere to lie low and wait for my call. what the fuck are you doing? i thought i told you to lie low. yeah? then how is it that a statewide all-points was just put out on the two of you? ok, look, you guys better come to me, i'll protect you til we figure this out. can you get to pier 19? get in. hey, man. i got mouths to feed. you've always been such a stubborn asshole, milo. you just don't listen. all you had to do was stay where i told you and none of this would have happen. now the two of you are gonna have to go down with the boat. ok. guess that's it. gotta go. you know what? you guys make a great couple.