how dare you. after what you did to my baby. i got sick of it. now i'm a female impersonator. that's why i'm so good at it. help me with this. oh, milo, where did it all go wrong? do you have any idea what it means to waste a woman's child- bearing years? it's criminal. every month her eggs are jumping out of her ovaries like sailors abandoning a sinking ship. i mean, i know you were mad about that article. listen to me, milo: cassidy may be a strong independent woman on the outside, but on the inside she's just a girl who wants to be protected and loved by her man. what happened between the two of you devastated her. oh, who knows. she was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, said she was on the biggest story of her career. said she was going somewhere to think. of course i was right. i knew they'd get back together if they were just stuck together long enough. and thank god. better she drives him crazy than me.