my name is jason bourne. hi, i'm jason. jason bourne. jason bourne, nice to meet you. bourne. my name is jason bourne. i live at 121, rue de la jardin, paris. i'm trying to think how long it's been since i was here. yes. i mean, i think so. yes. yes. right. i have a passport. i've got. actually, it's a little complicated. look, maybe i should just. yeah, i know. i need a ride. i need a ride out of here. please. i don't want to scare you. i've got a situation here and -- i'll give you ten thousand dollars to drive me to paris. you don't want the police any more than i do. get me out of here. please. i want to go home. i said ten thousand. okay. twenty thousand. ten now. ten there. wait up -- -- just wait up -- look, i want a ride to paris. that's all i want. i swear. i don't want anything but a ride. all i want to do is go home. i don't want to go alone. i want you to drive me to paris. like we're a couple. like we're a couple and we're travelling together. that's all we're doing. i won't hurt you. then i'll find another ride. i know that. i'm sorry. really. what do you want me to do? i don't know. listen to what you want. i don't know. i don't know who i am. no. no, i mean, i really don't know who i am. i can't remember anything earlier than two weeks ago. i'm serious. look, go ahead. put the radio on. that's what i'm saying. no. nothing. it's just not there. i kept trying things, i thought if i could find all the things i could do, i could -- -- which was okay for a while, i was okay with it. but then -- there's all these other things -- all these other things i know how to do -- and this -- this stuff from the bank and. i think something bad happened. i don't know. i was shot twice in the back. there was a gun. who has a safe deposit box with a gun and all this money and all these passports? i fought my way out of an embassy. i climbed down a fifty-foot wall -- i went out the window and i was doing it -- i just did it. i knew how to do it. why do i? -- i come in here -- instinctively -- first thing i do -- i'm looking for the exit -- i'm catching the sightlines -- i know i can't sit with my back to the door -- i can tell you the license plate numbers of all three cars out front. i can tell you that the waitress is left-handed and the guy at the counter weighs two-hundred and fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. i know that the best, first place to look for a gun is the cab of that grey truck outside. i know that at this altitude i can run flat out for half a mile before i lose my edge. i knew that you were my first, best option out of zurich? how do i know all that? how can i know all that and not know who i am? how is that possible? where are we? i can't believe i slept. i dream i'm asleep. i dream that i'm asleep and i can't wake up. i don't think i smoke. i thought about it. i don't know. slow down. no, don't stop. just. four-fifty. that's the address. no. no. go around. keep going. yeah. pull in here. park it. i guess. i don't remember any of this. sorry. the money, right? thanks for the ride. look, i don't know what's up there. look, you could come up. or you could wait if you want. i could go check it out. you could wait. how could i forget about you? you're the only person i know. here i am. i seem to have lost my key. great. we could use a shower. it was a long drive. i guess so. this is my frying pan. this is my spoon. i'm jason bourne and this is my kitchen. all this stuff -- it's all about boats. i think i'm in the shipping business. go ahead. yes -- oui -- uh. paris? yes, i'm. i'm looking for mr. jason bourne. d'accord. merci. un moment -- un moment -- -- hang on -- i need you to check another name for me -- hang on -- un moment, s'il vous plait -- kane. do you have mr. john michael kane? yes, i'm here. yes. is he there? yes. i understand. who? who came? right. yes. of course. do you -- his brother -- do you have a phone number? hang on. i'll check the kitchen. maybe it takes a while to get all the way upstairs. yeah, it's cold in here, too. let's give it another minute. -- no -- marie -- no! -- it's not like that -- -- quiet -- quiet -- open it -- -- do it -- what's he got in there? who are you? -- who are you? -- who are you? -- tell me who you are -- who sent you? -- -- what is this about? -- you've got to tell me what this is about! -- why are you trying to kill me? what? -- what? -- -- what is it? -- just -- marie, just -- -- just stay there! -- just -- -- let me do this, okay? -- -- your shoes -- marie! -- where? -- where are your shoes? -- marie -- marie -- look at me -- there's no time for this -- -- we can't stay here -- i can't stay here -- it's not safe here -- -- we can go -- i can get us out of here -- but we have to go now -- no. you're wrong. i didn't know. i didn't know this would happen. and where is he now? you believe what you want, but i'm telling you the truth -- i never would have brought you here if i thought it was dangerous. you stay -- if you want, you stay -- it's okay -- it's better -- maybe it's better -- i don't know -- but i can't stay here. i can't. -- there's no time -- -- how? -- -- forget it -- i don't know what happened! i don't know who he is! i don't know what he wants! i don't even know who i am! the only thing i know is that if i stay here, i'm never gonna find out! come with me. i can get us out of here. i know it. then we can think. then we can work it out. we'll explain it then. once we're safe. i can protect you. no. you know who you are. you know what that's worth? that's everything. i can't live like this. i can't do anything until i know who i am. believe me, you don't want what i have. who paid the bill? well, where are you? where am i calling? -- this is a tire dealership, right? hey, so this is the marina, right? this is the one in marseille, right? thanks. really. did you? yes. okay. excuse me? i hadn't heard. that'd be great. let's go -- we got to get away from this phone. kane. john michael kane. i want to see the body. where did this body go? shit, we didn't sign in. fine. but i'd like to sign in. in fact, i insist on it. where's the book? i gotta sign in -- is this it? -- -- this is it, right? -- -- don't sweat it, i have a pen -- no problem -- just let me find the page -- -- honey, why don't you wait for me outside, okay? -- -- what do i? -- i put the name of the person i came to see? -- -- here we go -- i found it -- nykwana wombosi. it's a name. mr. wombosi owns a thirty million dollar yacht. he's the proud owner of an alliance security package. he also paid a visit to the morgue to see john michael kane. i don't know. go back to the hotel. is he here? mpg capital. it's a lot more stressful than i thought. who do you think sent me? i don't know. you could do that? xxxxxx. stop where you are. where's the dog? he run away often? get in the basement. get everyone down in the basement. you're in danger. all of you. i have no time to explain. i'm sorry. xxxxxx i won't let that happen. xxxxxx go! we have to keep moving. xxxxxx xxxxxx wait 'till he's close. xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx who else is coming? i won't ask again. what do you mean? treadstone? paris. i live in paris. yes. treadstone. what is treadstone? i think so. what do they want me to do? why? take this. take it. if you're lucky. take it. there's enough in there to make a life. any life. just get out now. get low. stay low. take it. i can't protect you anymore. i'm gonna find the end of this. i can't protect you. what did you do to me? are you treadstone? what did you do to me? i don't know. i know you've been trying to kill me. so now you know. that's all i get? i don't think so. jason bourne is dead. keep it. that'll be their second worst mistake. this your store? think i could rent a scooter? not really.