what? tell him we're busy. i don't know what we're talking about. you're asking me a direct question? i thought you were never going to do that. you'd want to make that go away. you'd want to remind them that treadstone is a training organization. that it's all theoretical. you'd want to sign off on that. then i'd have to explain treadstone. and you'd have to explain how you let me get this far. doesn't sound like much of a plan-b, does it? we'll clean up the field. you clean up your budgets. -- and they're sure it's him? -- -- but it was him -- go -- keep going -- go. wait -- stop -- you went past it -- it's him. my god, it's really him. no. go ahead. run it. let's get a map, let's get a grid map on zurich. what? what the fuck is he doing? it doesn't matter now. we've just got to be the first ones there. get everybody up. i want them all activated. you heard me. and that's the best angle of the courtyard? what do they have on the streets? the area. they must have something. what? that'll solve all our problems. what's that? enhance it. who the hell is that? she's a gypsy. if it's a cover, it's a great one. we're exploring every possibility. we are in pursuit. how much more do you want me to tell you? no. pursuit ends when we know exactly where he is. we've been down here for two weeks banging our heads against the wall. we've been sleeping down here. we just got our first lead fourteen hours ago, and now? -- now that we finally have something to work with -- you want to bring planning personnel down here? i'd rethink that. this is an operations desk. is that a medical term? this unit has an unblemished record of success. that was two hours -- two hours to get a second opinion -- and nothing changes. he's loose. he's out of control. it's very clear what needs to happen. i have work to do. turn? to who? where does he turn? what does he have to offer? he's got nothing. he's a killer. he's a piece of equipment for crissake. where's he gonna turn? -- let's check that interpol window again -- -- i want that red car -- the girl -- we gotta get lucky here -- our last sighting was forty-eight hours ago. even if they stayed in the car, the grid is huge. this is it. he's trained -- conditioned -- they're built to disappear. you give him another day to run and we may never find him. -- how long? -- -- if we can get a clean shot -- -- that's what they're trained for -- just a surgical strike. what do you want to do? we're in the shitter, man! pick your poison. maybe he's in there to finish the job. maybe he's working for wombosi. maybe they want to go on tv together. every possibility sucks -- we've got to move! you don't have the stones for this. you people come down here and wink and whisper and we send these guys out and get it done. and you're clear. and the guys upstairs get what they want. and the whole bunch of you are so stuffed on deniability it's coming out of your ears. well, you know what? you're here now. what do you want to do? -- code him again -- punch it in -- -- the paging unit must be damaged -- i'm going to paris. you're not doing shit. you're so scared you can't even think. i can't call it off. he's not responding. get out of my way. what did i do? what've you done? do you have any idea? any conception? what you've destroyed? do you have any idea how much time and work -- how many people have their lives wrapped up in this? am i treadstone? me? what the hell're you talking about? what did i do? i spent thirty million dollars on you. i spent three years finding you -- four years training you -- what did i do? what in the name of god have you been doing, jason? they're right about you, aren't they? you're fried. you really don't know what's going on, do you? of course. we had to try. we didn't know what was wrong. we didn't know you were in trouble. so it's time to go home. we'll make you better. we can put the pieces back. we can do that. we have to go home, jason. there never was a jason bourne. you have to come with me. it's the only way. we can give it back to you. jason. they can't let you go.