-- no, this is not my current address. it was my current address two days ago when i started standing in line outside -- -- and so now i lost my apartment, i have no address, and i have no visa, and you keep telling me how much help you cannot give me! all the papers -- all the papers they asked for -- i brought all the papers -- you only know that because i told you! ask the case officer -- find his name -- it's on the papers -- i told him all this myself! -- -- i paid this fucking guy -- i paid him four thousand dollars -- my last four thousand dollars to marry me, okay? -- i told this to the case officer last week. . here -- mr. thomas. i told mr. thomas i didn't know this guy was already married -- i admitted this! -- i'm the one that got ripped off! -- not you -- not the united states government -- me -- i'm the one being ripped off! motherfucking sonsofbitches! what are you looking at? what? oh, jesus. it's a little late for that. get the fuck away from my car. great. you know what? i'll give you ten gazillion dollars to get the fuck away from me before i start screaming my head off. jesus. so what's in paris? for twenty thousand dollars. you have blood on your pants. no. no, that was too easy -- -- get the fuck out of here -- all this money, this crazy offer, i mean give me a fucking break with this, this is -- you swear? that's great. i feel so much better now. you could buy a car for twenty grand. you could buy this car. and i don't get hurt. i get twenty thousand dollars and i don't get hurt. what if i say no? just so you know, if you're gonna burn me on the money, you might as well kill me. i was supposed to have this car back three days ago. it's not my car. shit -- can i tell you how much you're freaking me out? okay? because you are -- you're completely freaking me out. i don't know. smile. sneeze. something. you've got a bag full of money and a ride to paris. fuck it, i don't know. what kind of music do you like? what does that mean? who pays twenty thousand dollars for a ride to paris? yeah, well, welcome to the club. what? like amnesia? amnesia? you're saying you don't remember anything that happened before two weeks ago? give me a fucking break. and you have no idea -- not a clue -- what came before that? when you think of it, before the ship -- before you wake up on the ship, what do you see? well, this is great. i'm sick of myself and you have no idea who you are. -- you could put it together -- what are you talking about? sounds like you were in an accident or something. okay, so you're a victim. lots of people have guns. you're american. americans love guns. people do amazing things when they're scared. you're paranoid. you were shot. it's natural. god, you're not kidding, are you? i needed a break. we're about an hour away. you were tired. here. for twenty-thousand i like to throw in breakfast. so what do you dream about? you ever think maybe you have a family? i guess it's like christmas every day for you, huh? that's it? is that it? looks familiar? where? so this is it, right? i should go. jason. okay, so. anytime. you got me pretty fucking curious. nah. with you, i mean, you'd probably just forget about me, right? i guess you're not home. it's big. this is like a real apartment. this is really yours? this is your office? god, you live like a monk. see. it's starting to come back, yeah? you mind if i take a bath? she wasn't kidding about the water. it's freezing. -- omigod! -- -- what're you? -- no -- no -- -- please -- jason -- omigod -- what are you doing?. omigod -- omigod -- what're you doing? -- what're you doing? -- -- what is he? -- what've you? -- omigod -- what is this? -- -- what're you doing? -- jason, please, tell me what's happening! omigod, no. this is my picture. he's got my picture -- -- this is me -- this is zurich -- this. this. this is yesterday -- -- where does this come from? -- how do you have my picture? -- he's got my picture! -- this is yesterday! -- this is me! -- -- where did you get my picture? -- -- do what? -- what are you doing? -- he's got my picture -- -- he's -- my god -- look at him -- he's bleeding to death -- my picture -- look! -- he was trying to kill us! -- omigod -- he's dead isn't he? he went out the window -- why? -- why would someone do that? he came to kill us. you knew he was coming. i trusted you. i don't trust anybody and i trusted you! he had my picture! he knew i was here! he came here to kill us! oh, jesus. but the police -- -- we'll explain it -- -- there's two of us -- we'll tell them -- we'll just -- -- we'll tell them what happened -- you stayed there five times in the past six months. but i didn't have time -- i could only get the bill from the last stay -- you were there for two days. some room service -- there's half a dozen phone calls here so that's someth-- it's a company. mpg capital. this can't be it. i found it. it took six calls. i found kane. i found the body. what? what are you doing? -- -- jason -- stop -- talk to me. -- i don't know what you're doing and you're scaring me -- what are you looking for? -- what just happened in there? -- what is that? what does that mean? jason, what does that mean? jason, please. who is he? so what are we doing? it doesn't matter who you were before. it's who you want to be. that's all that matters. we have this money. we have what we have. i had nothing before and now, i don't know, maybe i have more, maybe it's nothing, but. i say we leave here. we leave this place. we go until we can't go anymore. yes. that's who i want to be. xxxxxx xxxxxx what? jason. who is it? who's out there? xxxxxx xxxxxx did we lose them? who is it? xxxxxx what are you doing? xxxxxx give me the gun -- xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx jason. we've got to go. and that's it? what was i thinking, right? what about you? can i help you? yes. you have id? it's not a problem.