no, no, no -- the time is not right, my enemies are too strong. i'm telling you to wait for this, you understand? i'm telling you this, and i'm making a warning to all those peoples out there that think that my powers have become so weak that they can play with me as they wish. you will see -- i will tell you when the evidence is clear. then you will have a story. my old friends will hear about themselves. get the fuck out of my way -- it's not him. so who's crazy now? -- no! -- i say, no! -- they go this far -- out a body in the grave -- another body! -- no! -- this isn't over -- these people are not finished -- nothing will make them finish until they have wombosi! -- the real wombosi -- until i'm the one in the box! -- -- what are you doing? -- -- sleeping? -- -- he's sleeping! -- this man is sleeping at his post! -- -- i've had men killed for this! -- -- you think these people? -- these people who come for me -- you think they sleep? -- they never sleep! -- they spend all the day -- all the night -- all time thinking about how to put wombosi in that box! -- -- there is no box for wombosi! -- they don't have a box that can hold me! -- i know these people -- i know they never sleep! -- i know they never stop! -- they never stop until the knife is at their throat! -- -- what is the window? -- this window is open! -- who leaves this open! -- -- this is a war, you fool! -- you think these people are like you? -- you think this is stupid people? -- careless people? -- these people see an open window, they reach in with a big hand and grab your heart until you die! -- -- and it won't just be me! -- they don't just want wombosi now! -- they want my babies -- they want my children! -- and i say no! -- -- you leave that window open again, you better pray they kill me -- -- everything changes here now! -- everyone is a soldier here now! -- this is a fortress now! are we clear with this? this man is out there. kane is out there. and they pretend he's dead. that means he's coming back. come in. please. did you bring investment advice for me tonight? it was tax shelters, wasn't it? swiss debenture-swaps. i think investment advice from a dead man, it's a bad idea. how does it feel to be dead? -- no -- no, let them in! -- let them in. come in -- on y va -- come in. i think everyone wants to see the dead man. what do you do? you get an appointment with me? you make sure it's on the boat? you come visit me -- you pitch me this bullshit investment package. you drink my water -- eat my bread -- play with my children -- and what? -- two nights later you come back and you put this death -- -- you put this in my engine room! so this is a different kind of meeting. maybe now we talk some truth, okay? one dead man to another. you see this? i told you my shot was better! no, no no. this is a strong killer. this is a crazy strong killer. oh, yeah. to make a killer that looks like you? this young? this face? it's bloody fucking amazing. i know who sent you. i don't know why. i learned many, many things from the cia. many things. i learned the way they think. was the bomb on my boat supposed to go off or not? you didn't set the bomb. why? was this a game or a fuck up? get the kids out! and the door.