yes? never heard of it. with all due respect, pam, i think you might've wandered a little past your pay- grade. and what are we looking for? to know abou t it? it was a kil l squad. black on black. * closed down two years ago. * nobody wants to know about treadstone. * not around h ere. * you better t ake this back to marty and make sure he knows what you're doing. what are you after, pam? you want to fry me? you want my desk? is that it? d? jason bourn e happened. what happene you've got t he files? then let's cut the * crap. it we nt wrong. conk lin had these * guys wound s o tight they we re bound to snap. bou rne was h is number one - - guy went out to work, scr ewed the op and never cam e bac k. conkl in couldn't fix it, could n't * fin d bourne, couldn't adjus t. it all went sid eways. f inally there we re no opti ons * lef t. i've given t hirty years and two marri ages to this agen cy. i've shove led shit o n * four contine nts. i'm due t o retire n ext year and bel ieve me, i need my pensio n, but if you t hink i'm gonna sit here a nd let you dang le me with this , you can go to hell. marsh all too. it had to be done. dead in a ditch? drunk in a bar in mogadishu? who knows? do you know what his budget was? * we were throwing money at him. throwing * it at him and asking him to keep it dark. * conklin migh t've been a nut , but he * wasn't a mol e. you have me his calendar * for a couple of days, i'll prove he * killed linco ln. * this is supp osed to be defi nitive? so what's yo ur theory? conklin's re aching out from the grave to protect his good name? the man is d ead. for crissake, marty, you knew conklin. does this scan? i mean, at all? were you familiar with the training program? on his own passport? call a mayday into berlin station. we need snipers, dod, whatever they got. my ass he do es. you're pla ying with fire, pam ela. mar shall said nail him to the * wal l. i don 't know how you interpreted * tha t, but i don't think he meant * rep atriate h im. * there are no answers. ther e's either jason bourne alive or jason bourne dead. and i for on e would prefer the latter. and what abo ut her? you just sen d her out to th is lunatic with no protectio n? goddamn it -- i told you. thanks. she say what time i should call? what do you have, danny? and? it was staged? jesus. keep going. lots of people. who else knows about this? show me again. they missed him? he let her go? great. where's danny? * he should head over there and debrief * her. * * what's here? what was he doing? * ok, if you see danny tell him i went back * to the hotel. * you told me bourne was dead. i'l l say. you killed his goddam * gir lfriend instead. now they're onto * nes ki. they're at the brecker hotel even * as we speak. * no. the files are spotless. whatever * they find, it's just going to make conklin * look worse. * she's done everything i wanted. she bit * on conklin so fast it was laughable. she * even found his bogus swiss account. * * the re's a bo dy in the basem ent. dann y zor n. he's got to disappea r. for go od. cle an and fa st. i'll put h im in bed with con klin and bourne. even t he girl, n icky. * giv e me twen ty-four hours, i'll think it up. but get the goddamn bo dy out of the re. neski was a roadblock. without me, * there's no company, no fortune. you owe * me, uri. one last push. * i wasn't sleeping. * * you ok? * what? oh, god. it must have been bourne. * no. it must have been bourne. moscow? what the hell's he going to moscow for? jesus. i, zorn. i have to call his family. tell them. what do you mean? save it for bourne. he left yest erday on the night train. he's probabl y just getting in now. you'll have to hurry. good luck. they go. you stay. sit down. i don't exactly know what to say -- i'm sorry. i'm not a traitor. i've served my * country. * why not? it was just money. * had to be done. *