what have you got, survey one? "all teams -- listen up -- we are standing- by for final green." "-- repeat -- who is dark? -- the target building or your location? --" i'm working on it. -- so there were two of the se explosive charges plac ed on the power lines. one of * them failed. the fingerpri nt. * that's from the one that di dn't go off. show her the other thing. they're ready for us upstairs. so your cover at the time was what? what exactly did your job with treadstone in paris consist of? health, meaning what? he's not hiding, that's for sure. maybe he's running. what's he doing? he's making his first mistake. -- hey! -- they've got him boxed in! -- listen! listen! got it, yeah . hang on. oka y, they'v e got three guys out front * and another two taking the back stairs. * no word on n icky. * -- go -- take the van! -- -- kurt -- you're here! -- keep the comm line open! -- maybe he just needed a place to spend the night? it's starting to link up -- the hijacked * money -- the leak -- pecos oil -- one * last bit is treadstone. * you're sure? hold on. yep. and ab bott just direct dialed moscow * from his roo m.