the street. a silver car -- something newish -- pulling down the block -- can't quite see who's driving, but -- the silver ca r has par ked. there's a guy -- well-dressed -- cas ual -- phy sical -- sunglasses -- call him kirill -- he's out of the ca r and hea ding across the street toward a bui lding ther e. a tel egraph office. the fernsehturm looming as they pass, the berlin tv tower. that needle in the sky. from the flashback. and then -- as they pile out of the van, start inside. acknowledged by a security detail pretending to loiter outside. as we hear: the sixth floor hallway. suddenly scary. an abandoned wooden house. windows shattered and boarded up. paint all but gone. roof and gables all failing. bourne and the old lady -- she's pointing like she's giving directions -- when suddenly, the driver's cell phone rings - 6: ". a week ago he assassinated two men in berlin, one a highly"