that i was an american student in paris. ih ad two re sponsibilities. one was to coo rdinate l ogistical operations. th e oth er was to monitor the health of th e age nts, to m ake sure they were up to date wit h their m edications. their mental health. because of what they'd been through. they were prone to a variety of problems. depression. anger. compulsive behaviors. they had physical symptoms -- headaches -- sensitivity to light -- before this? before bourne? no. the details? no. i mean, i was told it was voluntary. i don't kno w if that's true or not, but that's wha t i was told. look, they took vulnerable subjects, okay? you mix that with th e right pharmacology and some serio us behavior modification, and, i don't know, i mean, i guess anything's possible . am i a doctor, no, but. look, what do you want me to say? i was there. i believed him. i believed jason bourne had suffered a severe traumatic breakdown. if you say so. * you're making it out like we're friends here or something. i met him alone twice. you mean, did i want a date? these were killers. conklin had them all jacked up. they were dobermans. what do you want from me? i was reassigned. i'm out. * it's not a m istake. they don't m ake mistakes. and they don't do random. there's always an objective, * always a tar get. * * if he's in n aples, on his own passport, * there's a re ason. * i don't think we need to keep looking for him anyway. because he's doing just what he said he'd * do. he's coming for us. it's got caffeine in it. that's all i know. i don't know. he was sick. he wanted out. i believed him. * i did. jason, i swear, i did. i told them. i told them i believed you. you hear me? i believed you. what's she doing? they know! they know yo u were here. t hey know you killed these two guys. the y know you and conklin had something on th e side. they don't know w hat it is, but they know! what is this, a game? last week an agency field officer went to make a buy from a russian national. it was pamela landy's op. the guy was goi ng to sell-out a mole or something. i hav en't been debriefed on exactly what it was . and you got to him before we could. you left a p rint! there was kel that did n't go of f! there was a partial print, the y tracked it back to treadstone! they kno w it's yo u! conklin! stuff on conklin! no. you never worked berlin. your first assignment was geneva. you never worked berlin. no. jason. please. it's not in the file. i swear. i kno w your file. your first job was * gen eva!. i swear to god you never worked * her e!. * so?