we're talking raw, unprocessed kgb files. * it's not something we can go out and * comparison shop. * we need to get in there. and the germans can't match it? do we know what this says? what the hell is a "treadstone?" treadstone. that's not gonna fly. tha t's a warrant from director marshall gra nting me unrestricted access to all per sonnel and materials associated with tre adstone. i want to know about treadstone. he does. i've been down to the archives. i have the files, ward. let's talk about conklin. i want to know what happened. so you had conklin killed. i mean, if we're cutting the crap. and bourne? where's he now? it hink i do . we had a dea l going down in berlin la st week. durin g the buy, both our fie ld agent and th e seller were killed. we pulled a finger print from a * timing charg e that didn't g o off. they were ki lled by jason bourne. excuse me. may i finish? * what's definitive, is that i just lost two people in berlin! i think that bourne and conklin were in business. that bourne is still involved. * and that wha tever information i was going * to buy in be rlin, it was big enough to * make bourne come out from wherever he's * been hiding to kill again. * * how's that s can? * * what kind of problems? are you an expert in amnesia? believed what? so he fooled you. * not good eno ugh. you're the person who * flo ated this amnesia story. * * eve r feel so rry for him? for what he'd bee n through ? you felt nothing? no spark? two young people in paris? dangerous missions? life and death? did you? some women like dobermans -- see , that's a problem for me, nicky. * wha tever he's doing, we need to end it. * thi s isn't the kind of mess you walk away * fro m. * is it him? so he beats a man within an inch of his * life, strang les him, then blows the place * up? * for someone with amnesia, he certainly hasn't forgo tten how to kill, has he? and why is that? anything? -- munich to berlin, check everything -- flights -- t rains -- police reports -- that'll be b ox #1, teddy that's yours -- -- box #2, c all it prior ge rman con nections -- nicky, i wan t to re-run all bou rne's tre adstone materia l, every foo tstep -- kim, box #3 -- let's call it mun ich outbo und -- -- let's sta y on the local cops, we n eed av ehicle -- parking ticket -- someth ing -- lan gley's of fered to upload any satel lite ima ging we n eed, so let's f ind a targ et to loo k for. dan ny, box # 4 -- i need fre sh eyes -- rev iew the b uy where we los t the three mil lion -- t imeline it with what we know abo ut bourne 's movements. turn it upside dow n and see how it looks - - is it fresh? pamela landy. who is this? bourne? okay, how do you want to do it? * who? what if we can't find her? snipers? hold on -- he said he wants to * come in. don't you want answers? what do you think? is he coming in? alright. where's nicky? so what's he doing? you believe him? * -- the hotel -- how far? -- yeah, that'll work. what the hell was he doing here? i want to look at the room. * * check it out. * are we hacking or asking? and what about you, anything? * sorry to wake you. bunch of stuff. there's something else. they found danny zorn's body. dead in the basement at the building where my people got hit the first time. did he say anything to you? we'll know for sure when we get the * security tapes. * don't know. i'm sorry, ward. what? the tapes? * open it. yes. now. i'd rather stand if it's all the same to you. 'why' would be enough for me. and pocketed a fair amount of change while * doing it. * and danny zorn, what was that? * hello, david. * ramstein air base, germany. * before the w all fell you would have woken up in a russ ian prison hospital. careful. * are you disappointed? thank you for your gift. i'm sorry about marie. * sounds like a threat. why you're a live? you're alive because you're special. because she kept you alive. because we w ant you back on our side. felt promising. it's a start. *