why naples? why now? forget it. they lost him. you can't see him? he's not in front of you? forget it. he's gone. you better start listening to someone. * cause we've been there. * sir. the sooner the better. id id my box work, but i wa nted to sh ow you before i showed landy. i came ou t * her e last ni ght because non e of this was mak ing any s ense. i mean, i'm with y ou on thi s, conkli n was a nut, bu t a traito r? i jus t can't g et there. you put a fo ur-gam kel on h ere and it's gon na take o ut power to the building. you kno w that. what you can't know, is if it' s gonna b low the room wi th it. the re were t wo charges, they were supposed to go off si multaneously. the second one, the one that didn't go off, was down her e. fir st of all , this is nothi ng, it's a sub- lin e for the breaker above. second, why put the char ge all the way down here? if you 're good enough to get i n here and han dle the g ear, you're goo d enough to kno w you don 't need this. bou rne would know. is it a slam dunk? no, but. oka y. what if someone decided to cover the ir tracks by blaming conklin and bou rne. wha t if bourne didn't have any thing to do with this? something's been going on here in europe. and it's still going on. post conklin. who's been in berlin? including landy. she had access to the archives. nobody. you. i had to tell you, right? okay.