we think that's bourne hitting him on the head and then-- maybe they were even on the same flight? initials . bring that up on main. they tracked daniels' passport to a hotel in tangier. they're holding up a bank transfer he made to keep him in place while they move an asset in from casablanca. the hub just got word bourne and nicky are dead. not yet. pam, you need to see this. this passport just cleared immigration at jfk ten minutes ago. it's an early treadstone identity registered to jason bourne but he never used it and it never went to the grid. bourne's alive. no, if they knew vosen wouldn't be in his office right now. yeah. maybe bourne wants us to know, just like naples, maybe he's communicating. maybe he's trying to communicate with you. bourne got into vosen's safe. where to? 4.15.71. jesus, pam.