his girlfriend, marie. she was killed in india three weeks ago. right. i think he's looking for something he hasn't found. i'm not sure. maybe he hasn't gotten his memory back yet. not all of it. if he just wanted to hurt us he could have sent this tape to cnn. nothing for me. suggested? are you sure it was just a suggestion? meaning? bourne's finished. it was finished the moment i realized i was chasing him for something he didn't do. the case is closed. this doesn't feel like bourne to me. probably because it's coming from you, noah. so what happened at waterloo? and the reporter ended up dead? so what was he doing? the real question is how you managed to get in a fire fight in the middle of a public train station. i'm going to the office now. i'll make my own introductions. let's do names later. what's bourne's last fixed position? anybody. status? wounded? armed? where are your grids coming from? you have an echelon package? why isn't it on? for what? you're nine hours behind the toughest target you've ever tracked. i want everyone to sit down, strap in, and turn on all you've got. that would mean now. thank you. i want everything you've got on ross on screen one. i think we can be pretty certain that bourne's not your source then? ross's call to his editor, where he said he just met the source on blackbriar, took place just after his flight landed. his met his source in turin. so, what, bourne met ross for breakfast and then, at noon the same day bourne calls ross to demand a meet at waterloo? the guy you're after is a cia operative with clearance above top secret. he was committing treason by talking to ross. do you really think, while doing that, he used a cell phone he knows we can track? yeah, i'd look at all the people whose cell phones were switched off the entire period ross was in turin. i mean if your people use their cell phones as much as mine do, the list should be pretty small now check everything in ross's apartment against those names. look for common patterns, look for - neal daniels. he's station chief in madrid now, isn't he? "heavy?" daniels isn't-- nicky, this is pam landy. we have reason to believe there is a connection between neal daniels and jason bourne. no, some people are convinced he's still a threat. i disagree but to find out i need to talk to him. the only way this has a happy ending, noah, is if we find a way to bring bourne in voluntarily. since when do you have authorization for lethal action against daniels? so grab him-- what's going on? what's daniels got? i think the world's well aware we have a rendition and lethal action capability at this point, noah. you still don't have the authority to kill him. you just decide? no oversight. no checks and balances. it's pamela landy for him. would you tell him it's urgent? noah, what are you doing? now. i want to know what's going on. i'm asking on what basis you're continuing this operation. this is about daniels, not nicky! you don't know the circumstances! you don't have the authority to kill her or bourne! she's one of our own. you start down this path. where does it end?! confirmed? get me a copy of bourne's personnel file. they don't know. it's a hell of a risk. maybe we should communicate back. because i think i know what bourne's looking for. pamela landy. bourne? i guess i owe you an apology. no. off the record. you know how it is. wait. wait. david webb. that's your real name. you were born 4. 15. 71 in nixa, missouri. why don't you come in, and we'll talk about it? bourne? what just happened? what?! 415 east 71st street. 4. 15. 71 isn't much of a code. my guess is vosen's already on his way. this isn't us, david. what they turned you into, what they're doing with blackbriar. this has to stop. david. come in with me. it's better if we do this together. oh, my god. you better get a good lawyer.