you tracking him? well, who talked to him? how did he find out about blackbriar? right. ross is easy. i want the source. is that all? i want rendition protocols and i want the asset put on standby, just in case. people, listen up, this is a full priority situation our target is a british national, simon ross, a reporter. i want all his phones, his blackberry, his apartment, his car, bank accounts, credit cards, travel patterns. i want to know what he's going to think before he does. every dirty little secret he has. and most of all, we want the name and real time location of his source. all right, let's get to it. where's my picture please? that's too long. why aren't we hearing this? where is he heading? what's he doing? i thought we blocked his cell? who the hell is he talking to??? activate the asset. i said activate the asset. i want options. okay, there, he's talking to the guy with the hood. take them down. watch that bus! the bus! -- don't lose them! stay triangular and don't get blocked. no, no, look. ross is not on the bus. split up the team -- get the guy on the bus and send someone to stay on ross. i don't like this. patch me through to met surveillance. he's got to be close. seal the entrances. we're losing him! we cannot afford to lose him! 64h what's the status of the asset? 64h alright, i want to take him now. get him out of there and have the asset cover it. close him down. jesus christ, that's jason bourne. it doesn't matter, the asset now has 2 targets. take them both out. oh. shit. get the asset out of there . get him out of there - now! it's vosen. we have a situation. sparkling. and a "heart-healthy" omelet with goat cheese and peppers. you're late. traffic? i'm buying. when the director called, it was suggested we bring you on-- funny how different things look depending on where you sit. i look at this as doing a favor for you. giving you an opportunity to complete some unfinished business. jason bourne. really? so what do you make of this? french intel picked up bourne meeting pierre elattrache on tuesday. he threatened to burn our house down if you didn't tell him who started treadstone. that's a big problem, wouldn't you agree? why's it so hard for you to believe? lets try and be adults okay? we all thought he was done, off the grid. but bourne's back. maybe he's a threat. we both want the same thing here. we have a leak. bourne showed up in our surveillance. we had very little time to react. bourne saw us coming. don't second guess an operation from an armchair, pam. it's not fair. how? so? cross check the secure cell phone usage of everyone with blackbriar sci clearance against all calls in and out of turin during the morning ross was there call the rso at the embassy and have them take daniels into custody if he's there. if he's not, get a grab team to the calle norte safe house. send them in heavy and tell them we'll assist with entry. i'm worried about bourne. if he's not ross's source, then he must be after ross's source -- just like us. team two, eta callee norte? okay, put it live. that has to be bourne. shit. track the passports. goddamn it! get a back-up team in there! how long till back-up arrives? how long? stop! hang on. i have an idea. who is this? nicky, i need to do an id challenge first. code in: "sparrow." nicky, this is noah vosen. how long have you been on site? we have two officers on site. are you in contact with them? is there any sign of daniels? hold on nicky. what are you doing? you know bourne's probably listening. how long till back up arrives. listen, nicky. i want you to stay put and secure the premises. it could be an hour until another team arrives. you "disagree" he's a threat? he just took out two more of my men. not to mention his ultimatum to ellatrache? he wants revenge, pam. the only realistic way to deal with this is to eliminate the threat. issue a standing kill order on jason bourne, effective immediately. we lost bourne. yeah. nicky's just the means. but if we find daniels, we'll find bourne. i'll take care of it. noah vosen. since he cleaned out a blackbriar safe and fled to morocco! i don't have the people on the ground to do that and i'm not going to risk that file falling into the wrong hands. what's he got? he ran all of blackbriar's operations in southern europe and north africa. for christ's sake, pam, he's got our entire playbook. names, dates, ghost sites, how we train our assets. oh, yes i do, pam. that's what makes us special. no red tape. no more getting badguys in our sights and then watching them escape while we wait for some bureaucrat to issue the order. come on, pam, you've seen the raw intel. you know how real the threat is. we can't afford to have our hands tied like that anymore. give me the subject's location. get an elevation and a floor plan, tic-tac-toe. locate the room. give the asset daniels's location and the route between daniel's hotel and the bank. do we have that room yet? get the hotel's trunk line. run all calls through here with an iso on 117 find out why. where did the course deviation occur? that's where parson's is. when we're finished with daniels send the asset after her. we find parsons, we find bourne. not now. not now. on the basis that nicky parsons has compromised a covert operation. she is up to her neck in it. she has betrayed us! she's in league with jason bourne for chrissake! yes, i do pam, it's right here and it's legal. it ends when we've won. notify the asset of the additional target. have the bank release the funds. i want to be sure. have the station chief in rabat confirm the deaths and do a sub-rosa check. and keep and eye on landy. desh. are we triangulating?! why the hell did she give him that? he's got line of sight on us! this is a national security emergency. we have an imminent threat. jason bourne is alive and at large in new york city. we believe in one thousand yards of this building. i want an immediate twelve block lockdown of the area. send a flash message to langley, prep for local backup assistance. check landy's phone. is she using it? nothing? no calls since bourne-- ? what the hell do you mean we can't read it? how do you know a text came if you can't read it-- are we on landy? i want that goddamn text. we need to get out in front of her! surround it. anyone not on landy goes to tudor city. now! get the trucks. we're going mobile. get the map up. he wouldn't have chosen it if he didn't have a reason. as soon as you have eyes on landy, i want to know. copy that, i see her. any sign of bourne? noah vosen. how did you get this number? no, i guess not. but if it's me you want to talk to maybe we can arrange a meet. in my office. noah vosen. this is a code ten abort, i want everybody back in the vehicles this is a code ten abort! back to the vehicles immediately, back to cri immediately. i want the entire building searched. every room. every hallway. every closet. every goddamm airduct. do you understand? i want him found! lethal force is authorized. tell them again! take him out! he did what?! get nypd backup! and fbi, dea, any other federal assets we can draft! i know. go! go! drive! we're already on our way. turn the teams around. bring them in behind me. bourne knows everything. i think he's heading for you right now. not long. get out of there. are you crazy, he'll-- landy! right there! she's got bourne's backpack! i'll find landy. you get to the training wing and get bourne! do you know who i am? where's your security room? i want to see all your footage for the last three minutes.