wallace is right! we fight 'em! william. come down here, lad. he's tired, he should get a longer run. brave show! an ox is strong, but not clever. a fine display, young wallace! macclannough's daughter is another matter. we come to fetch you to a meeting. the secret kind. your father was a fighter. and a patriot. say grace to god, lads. we've just seen the coming of the messiah. pour it straight into the wound. i know it seems a waste of good whiskey, but indulge me. ah. now that'll clear your sinuses, lads. well bloody hell, look at this! now it's nothing but a fly swatter. macgregor -- from the next valley! what're ya doin'? does it hurt? insane irish -- a royal entourage comes, flying banners of truce, and the standards of longshanks himself! son. i want to die on the ground. whew. that'll clear your sinuses. goodbye, boys. i don't think i can do without one of those. whatever it is. and glad to die, like him. so you could be the men you are. all of ya. i'm a happy man.