what happened? what girl?! the girl on the horse! stop her! so this is the little whore he was fighting for. one scot buggers six of us? hell to pay when that gets round. but he is free. you never catch 'em in the highlands. so why is this strip concealed? he fought for you, eh? an assault on the king's soldiers is the same as assaulting the king! now. let this scrapper come to me. don't look surprised! we knew he'd bring friends! no! i beg you. mercy! please. mercy! against thy king, thou vile fool! hast thou anything to say? it matters not, he is thy king! confess, and you may receive a quick death. deny, and you must be purified by pain. do you confess? . do you confess?! then on the morrow, thou shalt receive they purification. and in the end, i promise you'll beg for the axe. we will use it all before this is over. or fall to your knees now, declare yourself the king's loyal subject, and beg his mercy, and you shall have it. pleasant, yes? rise to your knees, kiss the royal emblem on my cloak, and you will feel no more. very well then. rack him. wonderful, isn't it, that a man remains conscious through such pain. enough? it can all end. right now! bliss. peace. just say it. cry out. "mercy!" yes?. yes? the prisoner wishes to say a word!