under whom? a commoner? so no one leads scotland? you will embrace this rebellion. support it, from our lands in the north. i will gain english favor by condemning it and ordering it opposed from our lands in the south. whichever way the tide runs, we will rise. you admire him. uncompromising men are easy to admire. he has courage. so does a dog. but you must understand this: edward longshanks is the most ruthless king ever to sit on the throne of england, and none of us, and nothing of scotland, will survive unless we are as ruthless, more ruthless, than he. press your case to the nobles. they will choose who rules scotland. you have said yourself that the nobles will not support wallace, so how does it help us to join the side that is slaughtered? my son. look at me. i cannot be king. you, and you alone, can rule scotland. what i tell you, you must do -- for yourself, and for your country.