i finished my chores. where we goin'? why would macandrews make so many scarecrows? r -- real!!!. ahhhhhgggg!. i can fight. they're coming! three, maybe more! they're english soldiers, ain't they? it's up to us, hamish! not yet! here he comes, be ready! i wanna have supper waitin'. aye, we'll get 'em. i don't want to leave. it was in latin, sir. good night, uncle. what are they doing? i hit it in the head. with a rock. miz macdougal. you look well. hamish? you win. the test of a soldier is not in his arm. it's here. a contest, then. i still say this is no test. a catapult can throw a stone farther than a man can. can you do it when it matters? as it matters in battle? could you crush a man with that throw? then do it. come, do it. i will not. that's not the point. that is. good to see you again. would you honor me with a dance? he died in an accident, with my brother. their cart turned over. good evening, sir. may i speak with your daughter? marion. would you like to go for a ride on this fine evening? it's good scottish weather, madam, the rain is fallin' straight down. your father doesn't like me, does he? thank you for accepting. i'll invite you again, but your mother thinks i'm crazy. sir, i know it was strange of me to invite marion to ride last night. i assure you, i -- what kind of meeting? i know who my father was. i came back home to raise crops. and, god willing, a family. if i can live in peace, i will. some nights. i have dreams. mostly dreams i don't want. i started riding at night to fill up my mind so that when i did sleep i'd dream only of the ride and the adventure. no. you don't choose your dreams. your dreams choose you. i want. to marry you! i'm not just saying it! but i won't give you up to any nobleman. i don't want to scare you. i want to be yours, and you mine. every night like this one. i will be with you, like this. forever. i will love you my whole life. you and no other. i've missed you. tonight then. then when? reaches the edge of the town and slips into the trees by the river; the soldiers are running every which way, but they've lost him. thinking marion's made it too, william heads deeper into the trees. marion! we have beaten the english! but they'll come back, because you won't stand together. there is one clan in this country -- scotsmen. one class -- free. one price -- courage. their families are starving, they'll feed them however they can. if you don't want to fight them -- i am much diminished since we met. no. stop. i didn't come here for that.